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刘海波虽然被称为“哈耶克式的自由主义学者”,但事实上他的教育观念是与哈邓克的思想完全相悖的。Although being called "a liberalistic Hayekic scholar", his ideas of education are opposite to Friedrich Hayek's.

在基本价值观明确的基础上,采用一定的自由主义德育方法可能是德育教育的最佳选择。Based on the clear fundamental values, it is the best choice to adopt some methods of liberalistic moral education.

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作为其哲学思想的重要组成部分,他的自由主义民主观有着丰富的理论内涵。As an essential part of his philosophy thought, Yin-Haiguang s view of liberalistic democracy has plentiful theoretical meanings.

当代中国文化是由中国传统本位文化、苏联马克思主义文化和西方的自由主义文化构成的。Contemporary Chinese culture consists of traditional Chinese culture, Marxist culture through the Soviet Union and Western liberalistic culture.

但是,我们也必须看到该理论不仅难以得到普遍性认同,而且在实践中往往以破坏全球性的民族与文化的多元态势为代价。We think the liberalistic human right viewpoint can not get the general identity, and it's practice shall destroy plurality of nation and culture.

这一政治思想本质上是自由主义的,因为它立足于资本主义社会结构和政治文化传统。Th is political thinking is liberalistic in nature, as it is based on the social structure and the political and cultural tradition of capitalist society.

俄国的自由民粹派因为反对暴力革命、主张以合法方式进行政治斗争而被称之为自由主义的民粹派。Why Russian Populists were called liberalistic Populists was that they opposed to violent revolution, but advocated a political struggle by a legal means.

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一向以独立的自由主义媒体自居的美国新闻媒体信奉新闻平衡,相信其报道的平衡性,并引以为豪。American media believe in journalistic balance, claiming themselves to be independent and liberalistic. They don't doubt their so-called balanced reporting that they are proud of.

中国自近代以来,始终存在着一个试图向社会独立发言的自由主义文化群体,它对美学的发展产生了至关重要的影响。Since modern times in China, there has always existed a liberalistic intellectual group who attempted to speak to society independently, which had key influence on the development.

它不仅区别于有自由主义倾向的文艺理论家的理论文风,而且亦与左翼阵营的群体叙事风格大不相同。Hu Feng's organizing way is not only different from that of the literature and arts theoreticians with liberalistic inclinations but also from the narrating ways used by the left-wing camp.

但是,当代西方自由主义政治文化社会化并不能使文化同一化,更不能实现自由民主的“崇高使命”,也不会使国家权力消亡。But the socialization of contemporary western liberalistic politics culture cannot make world cultures identical, realize the lofty mission of "liberty and democracy", or diminish stage authority.