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这正是在斯瓦尔巴特建立种子银行的原因之一。That is one of the reasons to build the seed bank in Svalbard.

种子库建立在斯瓦尔巴Longyearbyen村冰冻的山体中。The vault is built into a frozen mountain near the village of Longyearbyen, Svalbard.

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而这件罕见的文物是于2004年在挪威的Svalbard岛上的一小块土地上发现的。But this rare relic was found in 2004 on a small spit of land on the Norway's Svalbard Island.

但它可能会与在斯瓦尔巴群岛和墨西哥发现的恐龙争夺世界最大物种的头衔。But it may be vying with the ones found in Svalbard and Mexico for the title of the world's largest.

世界各地的基因库把各自储藏的样本也送交一份由斯瓦尔巴德全球种子窖保管。Gene banks all over the world deposit duplicate samples of their stockpiles with Svalbard for safekeeping.

“在斯瓦尔巴得到安全保护的这一财富将是应对未来挑战的全球保障,”他补充道。“The wealth that is being safeguarded in Svalbard will be the global insurance to address future challenges,” he added.

斯瓦尔巴是挪威大陆以北将近1000公里之外的一群岛屿,距离北极大约1120公里。Svalbard is a group of islands nearly a thousand kilometres north of mainland Norway and about 1120 km from the North Pole.

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他们竭其所能深入荒野,在北极区的斯瓦尔巴群岛采集与检验北极熊身上的样本。In fact, they have gone just about as wild as it is possible to get, examining polar bears on the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard.

我们准备到斯瓦尔巴德群岛,在斯匹次卑尔根群岛西北方向那些无人居住的小岛上露营和划船。We were going to camp and paddle around a section of the uninhabited north west of Spitsbergen island in the Svalbard archipelago.

来自丹麦和挪威的科学家在关注Zackenberg的同时,也研究了加拿大和北挪威的实验样地。The scientists, from Denmark and Norway, studied sites in Canada and Svalbard off northern Norway alongside their main focus on Zackenberg.

我们还驶过两条腹部朝天的死鲸鱼,有人提议把它们拖到斯瓦尔巴群岛上去当熊饵。We also pass two dead whales, belly up on the surface, prompting an irreverent suggestion that we tow them to Svalbard to use as bear bait.

建立斯瓦尔巴特群岛世界种子库是为了保存世界农作物种子样本,以此防止地球生物多样性的流失。The Svalbard Global Seed Vault was established to preserve seed samples of the world's crops, guarding against the loss of the planet's biodiversity.

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从北极斯瓦尔巴德群岛上的北极熊到地中海的海龟,从波兰的野牛到高加索地区白雪皑皑的冰川。From the polar bears of arctic Svalbard to the sea turtles of the Mediterranean, from the wild bison of Poland to the snow-covered glaciers of the Caucasus.

北极熊居无定所,它们时常往来于俄罗斯海至阿拉斯加的冰面上,此外加拿大、格陵兰和斯瓦尔巴群岛的广阔地带都是它们的家园。Beasts without boundaries, polar bears journey across the ice and through the seas from Russia to Alaska, Canada to Greenland, and onto the Svalbard archipelago.

基因库可能很昂贵,但是斯瓦尔巴德种子库——2007年由挪威政府和全球生物多样性基金会启动——证明了它们不一定是昂贵的。Gene banks can be expensive but the Svalbard Gene Vault — initiated in 2007 by the Norwegian government and the Global Biodiversity Trust — shows they don't have to be.

斯瓦尔巴德全球种子窖确保其他地方的基因库万一发生机制性意外——如标本遗失、管理疏漏或资金终结——时,仍有后备储存。The Svalbard vault insures that gene banks elsewhere have back-ups in case of unpredictable institutional failure — lost samples, neglectful management, or depleted funding.

最富雄心的莫过于新设的“斯瓦尔巴环球种子库”,它建立在挪威斯匹次卑尔根岛上一座砂岩山的永冻层内,岛屿离北极仅有700英里。The most ambitious is the new Svalbard Global Seed Vault, set inside the permafrost of a sandstone mountain on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen just 700 miles from the North Pole.

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一只在恐龙统治时期巡海的巨型食肉海怪遗骸已在北极偏远地区斯瓦尔巴群岛的一个小岛上出土了。The remains of a giant meat-eating sea monster that patrolled the oceans during the reign of the dinosaurs have been unearthed on an island in the remote Arctic archipelago of Svalbard.

南部非洲共同体种子库的备份种子已经贮藏在Svalbard群岛上一个已有的种子库中,这些种子将在新的种子库完工之后转移到那里。Duplicates of the Southern African Development Community's seed collections are already being stored in an existing facility on Svalbard and will be moved to the new one when it is completed.