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或者是录音机。Or a dictaphone.

因此你可以把它作为留声机使用。So you can use it as dictaphone.

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从某种意义上说,这成了记录想法的口授录音机。In a sense this becomes a dictaphone of ideas.

我用的是口述录音机来记录对话。I was using a dictaphone to record the conversation.

口述击中关键,因为很多时候需要选择一些应用。Hit Dictaphone key as many times as needed to select some application.

记录语音备忘录,会议,讲座等,使您的手机作为一个录音机。Record voice memo, meeting, lecture etc, make your phone as a dictaphone.

他也许在翻译文字,或者对着录音机缓慢又认真地讲述要旨。He may have been translating words, or slowly and carefully speaking the purport into the Dictaphone.

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口述给人机会组织自己的音乐库,通过创建文件夹与您喜欢的曲目。Dictaphone gives opportunitytoorganize your own music library by creatingthefolders with your favourite tracks.

在接下来的半小时里我用手把磁带卷回到了卷轴上并把它装进了那台UHER录音机。For the next half hour I hand rolled the tape back onto the reel and loaded it into the Uher Dictaphone machine.

所以你可以击中口述按钮几次才转需要的任何应用快速并用一只手而已。So you can hit Dictaphone button several times only to switch to any needed application fast and with one hand only.

你可以容易的把你的智能手机变成先进的数码口述,并开始录制讲课,交谈,面谈和电话。You may easily turn your smartphone into advanced digital dictaphone and start to record lectures, conversations, interviews and phone calls.