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我怎样才能申办万事达卡白金卡呢?How can I apply for a premium MasterCard card?

美国银行和万事达拒绝在BBC上就此事发表意见。Bank of America and Mastercard have refused to comment to the BBC.

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批发商们是如何用万事达信誉卡或VISA卡记载发卖额的呢?How do retailers record sales made with the use of MasterCard or VISA?

因为它是万事达卡,所以几乎我到哪,这种卡都是被接受的!It's a Mastercard so it's accepted just about everywhere I've been so far!

同时盗取的还有1660份信用卡和借记卡信息,大部分为Visa信用卡和万事达信用卡。Also stolen were 1,660 credit and debit card details, mostly Visa and Mastercard.

可像霍先生般用公司的信用卡支付召妓的费用。Like the time that Mr. Flournoy used the company MasterCard to pay for that hooker.

因为中国工商银行己于1990年2月加入了"万事达卡"国际组织,成为其会员银行。That's because the ICBC has joined in the MasterCard International Organization in Feb.1990.

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有些借记卡卡面也有万事达和维萨的logo,但借记卡通常有不附带车损险。Even if they carry a MasterCard or Visa logo, debit cards typically do not include CDW coverage.

万事达卡在处理信用卡交易时,不会收集消费者的姓名或住址。MasterCard doesn't collect people's names or addresses when processing credit-card transactions.

以目前支持的万事达卡为例,用户可以在安装了PayPass读取设备的商家进行支付。In the MasterCard example, people can pay with merchants that have the PayPass reader technology.

万事达的数据表明,今年的圣诞前销售增长幅度是近五年来最大的。The MasterCard data suggests that the pre-Christmas sales increase was the biggest in five years.

我在CVS使用谷歌预付卡,在麦当劳和7-Eleven使用在谷歌钱包上注册的信用卡。I used my Google Prepaid Card at CVS and used my registered MasterCard at McDonald's and 7-Eleven.

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谷歌钱包应用程序中内置了一个万事达PayPass的寻找功能,可以显示附近支持PayPass的地方。A MasterCard PayPass finder is built into the app and displays nearby locations where PayPass works.

在审判过程中,经历了一个百分之18活跃率万事达以前活跃帐户。During the trial, MasterCard experienced an 18 percent active rate for previously inactive accounts.

继昨天侵入维萨和万事达网站之后,支持维基解密的黑客组织现在想拿下亚马逊网站。After hacking into Visa and MasterCard yesterday, WikiLeaks supporters now want to take down

转换费是美国商户支付的最主要一笔支出。Interchange is the largest part of the fees U.S. merchants pay to accept plastic from Visa and MasterCard.

万事达卡这项行动的强大之处在于,每年自动化计算的次数将高达几十亿次。The power of the MasterCard Initiative is that several billion calculations will be done, automatically, each year.

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本月初,汇丰银行、复旦大学和万事达环球公司公布了它们联合开展的一项类似调查的结果。The survey follows a similar study released earlier this month by HSBC, Fudan University and MasterCard Worldwide.

当我接近最低工资的收入没法支付我想象中的生活方式的时候,万事达卡和发现卡成了我的救命稻草。When my near-minimum-wage income failed to support my expected lifestyle, Mastercard and Discover came to my rescue.

这次攻击已经远远超出了预期效果,关闭了MasterCard网站,而不仅仅是在线交易。The attacks thus far have been of limited effect, shutting down the MasterCard Web site, not its online transactions.