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这会是一种讽刺的形势变化。It would be an ironic turn of events.

你认识那个留胡子那人吗?You know the guy with the ironic mustache?

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它是讽刺的,但是我在很多人身上都发现了。It’s ironic and I’ve seen this with so many people.

丑人被P成美人,简直就是最讽刺的恶搞。Ugly people into beauties P, it is the most ironic.

第二个失败则是对欧元成功的讽刺。The second failing is an ironic flipside of success.

讽刺的是他说的只是冰山一角。The ironic thing here is that he is UNDERSHOOTING it.

节目播出以后,一时间,啼笑声遍地开花。After the TV program, ironic laughters spread everywhere.

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他们浅薄娴熟,但是非常具有讽刺性和批判性,非常的棒!They are kitschy but very ironic and critical. I like it.

讽刺,挖苦意在伤害他人的尖刻的,常带讽刺意味的话语。Sarcasm n. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.

堂停顿下来,给了殡葬者一个礼貌的、讽刺的微笑。The Don paused and gave the undertaker a polite, ironic smile.

讽刺的是,欺骗在情场和战场上却被认为是理所当然的。It is ironic that deception is considered 'fair in love and war'.

如果你的电脑很卖力,而你却倍感乏力,那就有点讽刺意味了。How ironic that while your computer is working harder, you're not.

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它甚至不足以让人从一个讽刺的角度来欣赏。It is not even bubblegum enough to be enjoyable on an ironic level.

讽刺的是,极度差异化反而会造成大宗商品化。It is ironic that extreme differentiation results in commoditization.

而怒火却总是戏弄着正在生气的人,这真的很讽刺。The ironic thing about anger is that the joke is on the angry person.

但这其实是在说反话,因为Facebook实际上是在促进互联网的成长。Which is ironic because Facebook is really about making the Web grow up.

影片的结尾,他们得到了一个野蛮而讽刺的回答,声若洪钟。At the end of the film they get their response in a great savage ironic peal.

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今年招聘季开出年薪为六位数的条件,在现在实在显得再讽刺没有了。This year's season of six-figure hirings couldn't come at a more ironic time.

多么讽刺啊,现在只有很少的人能负担起和杨敏俊学太极。How ironic that few people can now afford to train taiji with Yang Jwing-Ming.

现在仍有人称中国是个“发展中国家”,我觉得真可笑。It is ironic to me that China is sometimes still called a"developing" country.