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范恩剧院,愿为您效劳。Vane Theater, at your service.

茜比尔·范把头往后一仰,大笑起来。Vane tossed her head and laughed.

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淡黄色的风信旗加顶于建筑物。A wheater vane crowns the building.

茜比尔·范把头往后一仰,大笑起来。Sibyl Vane tossed her head and laughed.

气象风向标在冬季经常僵立不动。In winter the weather vane often freezes up.

具有可选风扇节距控制的翼式轴流风扇。Vane axial fan with optional fan pitch control.

这种装置的运转情况与叶轮泵很相似。This device operates similarly to the vane pump.

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单一支羽毛也可以由顶端为正羽、基部为绒羽组合而成。Feathers can have a pennaceous vane and a plumulaceous base.

面向职业生活是高职院校人文教育的风向标。To face the career life is the vane of humanities education.

梦想是强者的翅膀、梦想是勇者的风标。Dream is wings of the powers and the weather vane of the brave.

并对球冠与涡轮叶片模型进行了仿真实例。The processes of a ball coronal and turbine vane are simulated.

政治上他不过是个见风使舵的人,不可能提供政治上的出路。He is just a political wind vane and can never be a political compass.

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压气机第16级有多处静叶受异物打击受损。Stage-16 Stator Vane was damaged by foreign objects on several places.

目前,叶片式气动马达广泛应用于矿山及风动工具中。Now, pneumatic vane motors are widely used in mine and pneumatic tools.

采用流动分析商业软件对固定导叶进行优化设计。Commercial software was used to perform optimization design of stay vane.

主要分析了影响双作用叶片泵噪声的因素。Some factors which influence double-acting vane pump noise were discussed.

还对吸入压力和叶轮叶片数的影响进行了讨论。Also discussed are the effects of suction pressure and impeller vane number.

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中国国际时装周是海内最主要的时尚策源地和流行风向标。China Fashion Week is the most influential fashion cradle and vane in China.

主机泵体,叶轮分水器,为不锈钢材质。The pump body, Vane wheel and water distributor are made of stainless steel.

独特的翼片导风结构,避免墙体热熏污染。Unique wind vane guide the structure of the wall to avoid hot smoke pollution.