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人的痛苦大多是源于不知足。Human agony mostly derives from discontentment.

希望不至于引起大家的强烈不满和鄙视,此幸,万幸。I hope it won't cause you consuming discontentment and disdain.

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公众强烈的不满情绪激起对问题的重新调查。The public's discontentment fanned new inquiries into the issue.

中国应该停止升级在南海上的事端。China should stop escalation of discontentment on South China Sea.

必须承认,这些统计数字反映了许多不满情绪。We must accept that these statistics imply so much discontentment.

将你的生活和其他某个人进行比较总是会导致不满。Comparing your life with someone else's will always lead to discontentment.

它曲折地表达了人们对新生活某些缺陷的不满。It circuitously expressed people' s discontentment to the flaw of new life.

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从列强反应来看,明显充满了愤怒和不满。Responses from these major powers were clearly full of indignation and discontentment.

智慧使人平静安宁,而聪明更多的是让人感到不满足。And while wisdom yields calmness, intelligence much of the time leads to discontentment.

但当我离家在外,一种不满足的渴望从心底生起,我知道这种渴望再也不会消失。But while I was away, a sense of discontentment grew inside me that I knew wasn't going to go away.

经理担心工人们对新政策的不满会影响产品品质。The manager is afraid that worker's discontentment with the new policy may affect the product quality.

这部书表现文明与原始的对立,在许多地方对殖民主义表示不满。This book manifests conflicts between civilization and barbarism, and expresses discontentment to colonialism.

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恐怕没有人真正会赞同搜索引擎公司的这种方法,但是极少人对它们表示不满。No one could really agree the modus of search engine companies, but only few people express their discontentment.

还是在短暂的幸福之后陷入更大的不满足之中?Have we cherished the happy moment or have we fallen again into greater discontentment after enjoying the transient happiness?

神呼召我们为自己的不满足认罪悔改,要我们在生活中遇到缺乏和软弱时,学习仰赖他的恩典。God calls us to repent of discontentment and learn to rely on his grace when it comes to our shortcomings and weaknesses in life.

相反,用如“我希望”感觉像是不可实现的愿望,从而使人感到不满足。Whereas, using words like ‘I wish’ makes it seem unreachable and impossible, which generally leads to feelings of discontentment.

同时,现行的执行中止制度承载了执行当事人过多的误解和不满。At the same time, the existing system of discontinuation of execution bears the weight of parties' misunderstanding and discontentment.

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赫德插手中法谈判、中英谈判、排斥中国外交官,引起曾纪泽的不满,以致频频将赫德不愿公开的信息透露给报界。Being involved in Sino-Britain and Sino-France negotiations and excluding Chinese diplomats, Hart caused discontentment from Zeng Jize.

我们必须更加致力于迎合航空乘客对于他们所享受服务的期望,解决那些导致客户不满意的问题。More needs to be done to manage air passengers’ expectations about the service they will receive and to address those issues that are causing discontentment.

鉴于当前美国那些即使很富有的基督徒的贪心和不满足的程度,雅比斯的祷告极其流行也就不足为怪了。It is not surprising today that the Jabez prayer has become extremely popular given the degree of greediness and discontentment of even rich American Christians.