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你是说法修拉毛拉吗?。You mean Mullah Fatiullah Khan?

你是说法修拉毛拉吗?。You are right that Seurat Mullah?

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穆拉·纳斯鲁丹节省下了一笔够买一件新衬衫的钱。Mullah Nasruddin had saved up to buy a new shirt.

就在那时,毛拉听到驴子的蹄声。Just then the Mullah heard the sound of his donkey's feet.

达杜拉是在阿富汗南部的一次以美军为首的行动中被击毙的。Mullah Dadullah died in a US-led operation in southern Afghanistan.

有一次,我给他念纳斯鲁丁毛拉的故事,他让我停下来。One time, I was reading him a Mullah Nasruddin story and he stopped me.

就在那时,毛拉听到驴子的蹄声。Just then the Mullah heard the sound of his donkey's feet. He looked around.

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比如,伊朗和被谋杀的妮达•艾嘉•索尔坦在一个长着胡须的毛拉曾经站过的地方澎湃。Say Iran and murdered Neda Agha-Sultan surges where a bearded mullah once stood.

当奥马尔已不知去向是,他的坚定追随者还在顽固的留守着。While Mullah Omar may be long gone, his hardened followers are hell-bent on staying.

“我们杀了他,抢来了他的电脑,”学者告诉我,“他曾经在伊拉克服役。”"We killed him and captured his computer, " the mullah told me. "He had served in Iraq."

他仿效阿富汗塔利班领导人毛拉·穆罕默德·奥马尔,并向他宣誓效忠。He modelled himself on the Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar, to whom he pledged loyalty.

因此毛拉想出一个计谋,他既要守信,又要守住自己的驴子。So the Mullah thought out a plan. He wanted to keep his word and also to keep his donkey.

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祈祷结束之后,毛拉站起来为祈祷者讲道。The prayers finished and the Mullah stood to offer a khutbah, the speech for the Jummah prayer.

即使在奥萨马本拉登死前,毛拉阿卜杜尔加木儿贾吉尔就忙得像个疯子。Even before Osama bin Laden's death, Mullah Abdul Qayyum Zakir was working like a man possessed.

有分析师指出,他已同阿富汗塔利班领导人奥马尔的关系恶化。Some analysts suggest that he had fallen foul of the Taliban leader in Afghanistan, Mullah Omar.

调查人员的结论是,一名叫做萨迪克的塔利班指挥官也被炸死。The investigator concluded that a Taliban commander known as Mullah Sadiq was among those killed.

他说之前参加谈判的塔利班官员已经不再代表毛拉-奥马尔了。He says the former Taliban officials who have been at the talks so far don't represent Mullah Omar.

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本拉登和毛拉奥马尔处于他们所占领的伊斯兰角落里的极端保守主义的对立两端。Bin Laden and Mullah Omar are at opposite ends of the ultra-conservative corner of Islam they occupy.

在阿富汗南部地区,北约正对塔利班发动规模攻击。Mullah Baradar's capture comes amid a major Nato-led offensive against the Taliban in southern Afghanistan.

所以我念些不那么有挑战性的东西,比如装腔作势的纳斯鲁丁毛拉和他那头驴子出洋相的故事。So I read him unchallenging things, like the misadventures of the bumbling Mullah Nasruddin and his donkey.