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拉尔夫木然地看着他。Ralph looked at him dumbly.

听见那消息她惊愕得发呆了。She was dumbly dismayed at the news.

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她一言不发地瞪著眼看了他一会儿。For a moment she stared dumbly at him.

我这是在干什么?"What am I doing here?" I ask, dumbly.

我默默地点了点头,他就撕开了信封。I nodded dumbly and he slit the envelope.

“我?”我默默的答到,确信她仍然在打电话。Me?" I dumbly asked, convinced she was still on the phone."

我傻傻地点了一下头,看着他给我在冲一杯咖啡。I just nodded dumbly and watched as he poured me a cup of coffee.

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在我点击的时候它们没有正常缩小,而是不断乱闪。They failed to minimize properly, preferring to dumbly blink when I clicked on them.

我静静地躺在那里,静静地观察着他的欢乐,我的心都要碎了。I had been laying there silently, dumbly observing his pleasure. My heart was broken.

他一面低头沉思,一面慢慢踱上小船,石小子还站在船头发呆。He lowered his head to ponder while he slowly stepped onto the small boat. Shi Xiaozi still stood dumbly at the bow.

朗巴莱不吃也不喝,头枕着臂肘躺在火堆旁,默不作声,以漠然的通红的眼睛望着俄国的士兵们。Ramballe refused food, and leaning on one elbow by the fire, gazed dumbly with red, vacant eyes at the Russian soldiers.

你站在小路的这一端,看着他逐渐消失在小路转弯的地方,而且,他用背影默默地告诉你,不用追。Standing at one end of the pathway, you watch him receding at the turnning, with his figure telling you dumbly not to be after.

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他们走过斯图尔堡小镇的时候,小镇内覆盖着褐色厚茅草的茅屋还在静静地沉睡着,他们走到了一块更高的地方。When they had passed the little town of Stourcastle, dumbly somnolent under its thick brown thatch, they reached higher ground.

一天,小森在拥挤的地铁上被一位白领女郎错当成色狼抓住,他无言地忍受了对方的责骂。One day, small dark on congested subway Lothario be regardinged as by fault of a white-collar young woman is captured, he stood the other side dumbly scold.

从被破碎敞开的大门向里看,哈顿穆看到那些瘾君子强盗们愚蠢的站在葛拉斯韦瑞因惨不忍睹的尸体旁,用疯狂的言语在互相交谈。Peering through the open crack of the doorway, Khadunm saw the drug-addicted thugs standing dumbly over the mangled body of Glasvryn, speaking in frantic tones to each other.

囚犯走到柱子前停下,在法国兵去拿口袋来的功夫,默默地看着周围,像被打伤的野兽望着走过来的猎人。The convicts went up to the post, stopped there, and while the sacks were being brought, they looked dumbly about them, as a wild beast at bay looks at the approaching hunter.

快7年了,以为可以把所有的惧怕和害怕掩藏得很深很好,结果还是回到了当初的那种无言的震动和惧怕感。Fast 7 years, feel OK to mix all fear fear conceal is gotten very deep very good, the result still was returned at the outset the sort of be astonished dumbly and scared feeling.