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期待你的好消息!Waiting fou your good news!

我爱你!只要你知道就足够了!I love you! It is enough fou you know!

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下午好,夫人。我能为你效劳吗?Good afternoon , madam. What can I do fou you ?

原来,我还是不如他,他才是你的唯一。It turned out that love fou me is so far away !

肖邦玛祖卡,作品33号第2首,钢琴傅聪。Chopin Mazurkas, op. 33, no. 2, Piano Fou Ts'ong.

我将在这里一直等你,请告诉我发生了什么!I will be here waiting fou you ! tell me why , please.

菊暴区不能水的,你应该是想问为啥别人不禁言吧…I love you not for who you are , but fou who I can before you.

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她将等候并照顾你。你的天使给你唱歌并每天对你笑。You angel will sing fou you and will also smile fou you every day.

你会不会握着我的手,难道你没有感觉到我的心在为你跳动。You, won't you take my hand, don't you know my heart beats fou you.

小坏蛋,你跑到哪里去了?杰瑞为了你大哭不止。Where have you been. wretch?Here is Jerry crying her eyes out fou you.

因为这事,我和我的室友精打细算,花了两个星期的时间来准备。For this thing, my other fou roommates and I spent two weeks preparing for it.

在回家的路上,简会在圣路易斯的亲戚家住两天。On her trip home, Jane will stop in St. Louis fou a twe-day sojourn with relatives.

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感谢遇见您我如父如兄如朋友的您,愚人节快乐!Thank you fou my father who is the same brother or friends . Happy April fool's day!

傅聪是否真的就是这样一位希世的珍宝——想我所想象的那样?Was it genuine gold what I heard, and is Fou Ts'ong the musician I believe him to be?

建立良好的厂际合作伙伴关系是抗御原材料涨价的重要环节。Creating a good cooperation relationship between relative fou ndries is the important link.

本文认为,这看似矛盾的两个特点构成了傅聪钢琴表演美学思想的核心。The two seemingly contradictory features constitute the core of the aesthetics of Fou Ts'ong's performance.

但你践行此法时不可过分,不要只是引而不发从而使人误入歧途,也不要只为一己之利而无视他人病入膏盲。But don't carry it too far, leading others astray by your silence or making their ills incurable fou your own good.

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浙江科技学院的相关领导同周里彬先生一起为10名浙江科技学院的贫困大学生颁发了“青春网球校园行”奖学金。Fou Li Zhen, deputy secretary of ZUST, joined Li Bin on stage to present 10 worthy ZUST students with "UTP" scholarships.

2009年伯奇创办自己的基金会,宣布入盟者用最优惠的加盟费这一办法来帮助美国贫困的妇女。In 2009 Burch launched her own fou.dation to economically empower poor women in the United States through microfinancing.

分析了某厂氢氧站系统结垢原因,介绍了针对性的化学清洗方法。The paper analyses the reason of fou ling in an Oxy -hydrogen system and introduces the oriented chemical cleaning method.