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记得缺氧事件吧?Wrong remember Anoxic Events?

缺氧可能导致大规模生物灭绝。Anoxic events may have caused mass extinctions.

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及时除湿,并缓解低压缺氧的状况。Seasonable dehumidify, alleviate low pressure is anoxic state.

上图的黑色线条就是阿普特缺氧事件所留下的证据。The black lines in the image above are from the aptian anoxic event.

从健康婴儿粪便中分离出两株厌氧无芽胞杆菌,经鉴定为短双歧杆菌。Two anoxic non-spore bacillus strains isolated from baby feces were identified as B.

自生黄铁矿是海洋沉积物缺氧硫酸盐还原过程的主要产物。Authigenic pyrite is the normal product of anoxic sulfate reduction in marine sediments.

从健康婴儿粪便中分离出两株厌氧无芽孢杆菌,经鉴定为短双歧杆茵。Two anoxic non-spore bacillus strains isolated from baby feces were identified as B. breve.

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正如我们今天在较小规模范围内看到的那样,大部份海洋深处处于缺氧状态。Just as we are seeing at a smaller scale today, huge parts of the ocean became anoxic at depth.

采用气管挟闭建立小鼠心肌缺氧模型,观察TFA对小鼠心脏耐缺氧能力的影响。Moreover the effect of TFA on myocardial anoxic tolerance was obˉserved in trachea clamping mice.

黑色岩系姥姣烷与植烷比值、岩性和生物特征指示其形成于一种缺氧还原沉积环境。Organic geochemical features indicate that black shales were formed in an anoxic sea environment.

脑细胞缺氧早期发生头痛、头昏、严重者致昏迷。Cerebral cell is anoxic inchoate happening have a headache, dazed, serious person send insensible.

缺氧事件主要发育于长7时期,属于地区性大型缺氧湖盆形成的缺氧事件。Anoxic events mostly developed in Chang 7 oil- bearing and belonged to the local large anoxia lake.

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判定病人是否缺氧最客观的依据是动脉血气检查。Judgement patient is anoxic the most objective basis is examination of arterial courage and uprightness.

硝酸盐能够被生活在中等缺氧条件下称为兼性生物体所利用。Nitrate can be used by facultative organisms living under intermediate conditions referred to as anoxic.

富有机质黑色页岩的形成长期以来被认为是缺氧沉积环境的证据,并被作为全球缺氧事件的标志。Black shales have been considered as a sign of anoxic depositional environments and anoxic events for a long time.

如果食物的数量超过了溶解氧的供应量,则水会变成凶手,杀害有机物,例如鱼类。If the amount of food exceeds the supply of dissolved oxygen, the water turns anoxic , killing organisms such as fish.

但是,当大规模的火山作用向海洋输送了更多磷时,就改变了可用的磷数量,从而导致那些缺氧事件。But when massive volcanism delivered more, it changed the amount of phosphorous available, and drove these anoxic events.

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对缺氧环境下硫酸盐还原对反硝化脱氮过程影响进行了试验研究。It has been conducted an experimental study on the effect of sulfate reduction on denitrification under anoxic condition.

“空间控制”是指在不同的处理单元中分别形成厌氧、缺氧和好氧状态。"Control in place" concept means that anaerobic , anoxic and aerobic conditions are performed within different compartments.

贵州阿哈湖是一底层滞水带季节性缺氧的中型人工湖。Lake Aha, located in the suburb of Guiyang, Guizhou Province, is a medium artificial reservoir with seasonally anoxic hypolimina.