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没有一个胜利者相信机遇。No victor believer in chane.

希明是健康食品的信徒。SM is a health food believer.

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伊斯兰教的信徒或追随者。A believer or follower of Jainism.

伊斯兰教的信徒或追随者。A believer in or adherent of Islam.

我是人民的坚定拥趸者。I am a firm believer in the people.

你是否真信呢?Or do you really believer afterall?

托马斯,这个怀疑论者,成为了信徒。Thomas, the skeptic, was a believer.

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我相信福特。I mean, I believed in Ford. I’m a believer.

一个信徒不该有丝毫挂虑。No anxiety ought to be found in a believer.

有信仰的人是愉快的,怀疑者是聪明的。The believer is happy, the doubter is wise.

帕森斯是一位坚定的颅相学信徒。Parsons was a committed believer in phrenology.

我拥戴「用者自付」原则。I am a firm believer in the "user-pays" principle.

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圣灵内住在每一位信靠基督的信徒里。The Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Christ.

日梦想家,骗子,真正的信徒奠定浪费。Day dreamer, deceiver, lay waste the true believer.

最近,有一位刚信主的朋友来参加我们的敬拜。A new believer recently attended our worship service.

“我相信先下手为强,”他说。“I am a big believer in getting there first, ” he says.

我十分相信,网恋在将来会很流行的。I'm a firm believer that this is the wave of the future.

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对于人类与机器人之间的互动作用,我是持强烈的肯定态度。I’m a very strong believer in human-robotic interaction.

信主的和不信的有甚麽相干呢?What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever ?

他说,鳕鱼学院让他成为水产养殖的信仰者。He says the Cod Academy made him a believer in fish farming.