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历史相对论强调变化的重要性。Historicism stresses the importance of change.

福柯是对新历史主义影响最大的人。and Foucault is the primary influence on the New Historicism.

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接着讨论了诺齐克的非模式化的历史原则。And then comes to the principle of historicism and end-result.

这种方法成为了新历史主义的一大标志。This technique became kind of a hallmark of the New Historicism.

本文的题旨则在吁求向历史主义的回归。The purpose of this paper is to call for a return to historicism.

我说的“历史决定论”是什么,我将在本书中加以充分解释。What I meant by "historicism" will explained at length in this study.

传统历史与新历史一定要做非此即彼的对峙?。Do traditional historicism and neo-historicism must confront each other?

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新历史主义是文学批评界最新出现的文学批评方法之一。New Historicism is one of the most recent critical methods in literary criticism.

我试图把历史决定论描述为一种考虑周到而结构严谨的哲学。I have tried to present historicism as a well-considered and close-knit philosophy.

然而新历史主义最终却由“回到历史”走向了历史虚无主义。However, finally New Historicismwalks up to Non- Historicism from the history-orientation.

新历史主义的文学批评观念建立在对历史本身的反思之上。The Critical Thoughts of New Historicism lay on the basis of self-introspection of history.

历史决定论声称没有什么事比出现真正的新时期更为重要。Historicism claims that nothing is of greater moment than the emergence of a really new period.

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新历史主义领袖葛林伯雷把新历史主义看作是“一种实践,而非教条”。Stephen Greenblant as the leader of New historicism think it is a kind of practice not doctrine.

伽达默尔在节选中所批判的最基本的方法论,被他称为历史主义。The basic methodology Gadamer is attacking in the excerpt you've read is what he calls historicism.

福柯和新历史主义批评唤起了人们对权力话语的觉醒。The studies of Foucault and New Historicism have aroused people's awareness of the discourse of power.

前者主要解读文本所显示的存在主义、女权主义以及新旧历史主义等主题意义。Mostly, the former aims at unearthing the meaning of Existentialism, Feminism and old or new Historicism.

伽达默尔认为历史主义忘记了,我们会从过去性和他性中学到一些东西的可能性。Gadamer believes that historicism forgets the possibility of being taught something by past-ness or otherness.

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这就是新历史主义,如何重新定义自己,与旧历史主义不同。You see, that's how it is that the New Historicism wants to define itself over and against the Old Historicism.

新历史主义,事实上,是“文艺复兴“被“,“早期现代时期“代替的原因The New Historicism is, in effect,responsible for the replacement of the term "Renaissance" with the term "Early Modern."

历史决定论断言,由于社会规律具有历史相对性,因而大多数的物理学方法不能应用于社会学。Historicism asserts that the historical relativity of social laws makes most of the methods of physics inapplicable to sociology.