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独脚金有另一个特征。Witchweed has another unusual quality.

如果它入侵了一个地区是非常难以清除的。Witchweed is very difficult to remove if it invades an area.

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在非洲的农民将一种寄生草本称作独脚金。Farmers in Africa call the striga plant by the name witchweed.

一旦侵入某个地区,独脚金在当地就很难被清除。Witchweed is very difficult to remove after it invades an area.

非洲的农民将寄生草称作独脚金。Farmers in Africa called the striga plant by the name witchweed.

斯特赖加是一种寄生野草,非洲人通常称其为独角金。Striga is a parasitic weed that Africans commonly call witchweed.

独脚金种子的荚膜含有四百到五百颗种子。Witchweed seed capsules can hold four hundred to five hundred seeds.

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如果独角金侵入了某个地方,那么就会非常难除掉。Witchweed is very difficult to remove after it invades invades an area.

独脚金种子胶囊可以保存四到五百颗种子。Witchweed seed cancels capsules can hold four hundred to five hundred seeds.

独脚金是在一些开花野草中作为其他植物的寄生虫。Witchweed is among the few flowering weeds that act as parasites on other plants.

目前,科学家表示他们已经生产出可以保护高粱免受独脚金危害的种子。Now, scientists say they have produced seeds that can protect sorghum crops from witchweed.

独脚金寄生从高粱的根部汲取水分和营养物质,并释放出一种有毒的物质摧毁着高粱。The witchweed steals water and nutrients from the roots and attacks the sorghum with a poisonous substance.