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我不敢说这方法绝对有效。I can not claim infallibility for this method.

否认这一点,就是假定了我们自己的不可能错误性。If I did not trust the infallibility of mine own eyes, I would not believe it!

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当然,市场在资本配置中所谓的绝对正确性,已被证明名不副实。Of course, the supposed infallibility of the market in allocating capital has been debunked.

例如,教皇不谬说,是直到20世纪,才被宣布为一条教义。You don't,for example,have papal infallibility declared as a doctrine until the early twentieth century.

在21世纪,被视为本世纪的恐怖,日本的神话,绝对是极大的威胁。In the 21st century, regarded as the century of terror, Japan's myth of infallibility is greatly threatened.

因此被视为一种礼物,那就是行使以最大的照顾,在服务的福音。Infallibility is therefore seen as a gift that is to be exercised with the utmost care in the service of the gospel.

这句回文也赞美了没有错误的计划的优点,但是人们却不能做到没有错误。This word-level palindrome also extols the virtue of the infallible plan, an infallibility that humans do not share.

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教皇运用教宗无误所宣称的,是教皇的断定或者以圣座颁布的教训。Statements by a pope that exercise papal infallibility are referred to as solemn papal definitions or ex cathedra teachings.

任何国家都不应自称一贯正确,各国都要准备为了共同的利益重新检查自己的态度。No country should claim infallibility and each country should be prepared to re-examine its own attitudes for the common good.

这一教学教皇的首要和绝对是一个重大的绊脚石统一的基督教教堂。This teaching of the pope's primacy and infallibility is a major stumbling block to the unification of the Christian churches.

这话是我大4时看见的,过了2年后,我发现这条伟大真理完全可以和牛顿定律媲美。This statement was seen when I was a senior student, and two years later, I find its infallibility even can match Newton’s law.

为完成此项任务,在有关信仰和道德的事上,基督赋予牧者们不能舛错的神恩。To fulfill this service, Christ endowed the Church's shepherds with the charism of infallibility in matters of faith and morals.

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然而,问题的教皇规则已经变得更加困难了十九世纪的古罗马教皇的声明犯错误。However, the problem of papal rule has been rendered more difficult by nineteenth century Roman declarations of papal infallibility.

他们这样迎合他们自己,却没有看到其实只是把对于不可能错误性的假定由一点转移到另一点。But those who thus satisfy themselves, do not perceive that the assumption of infallibility is merely shifted from one point to another.

但这个解决之道将代表着对古老的天主教教条的完全推翻,而这将是对教皇的不可更改性的大大的不恭。But the solution would represent such a dramatic reversal of age-old Catholic doctrine as to undermine any pretense of papal infallibility.

于无误的业果律则生起信心,愿我努力实践乃至是最微小的善行,避免造做即便是最微细的有害行为。Gainingconfidence inthe infallibility of karma, may I strive to carry out even the smallest good deedsandavoid even the slightest harmful actions!

他还带着圣水和圣餐酒。漫画中教皇死而复生,拥有了超级力量,这些力量超出了他在尘世间时罗马天主教教义赋予他的在讲道时绝对正确的权威。In the comic book, the pope dies and is reborn with super-powers beyond the doctrinal infallibility that Roman Catholic doctrine gave him on earth.

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对于真正的信徒,李洪志具有绝对权威性和可靠性,因此远远超出他们所能想到的合理怀疑范围。His authority and infallibility appear to be absolute for the true believer, and therefore beyond what Falun Dafa followers consider reasonable doubt.

杰森‧苏洛巧妙的努力使遇战疯对科罗森的改造受到颠覆,而遇战疯对完美与无误的展望开始受到侵蚀。Jacen Solo's efforts subtly destabilized the Yuuzhan Vong transformation of Coruscant, and the Yuuzhan Vong visions of perfection and infallibility began to erode.

杰森‧苏洛巧妙的努力使遇战疯对科罗森的改造受到颠覆,而遇战疯对完美与无误的展望开始受到侵蚀。Jacen Solo's efforts subtly destabilized the Yuuzhan Vong transformation of Coruscant , and the Yuuzhan Vong visions of perfection and infallibility began to erode.