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有一次,我和我弟弟秘密地制造黑色火药。One time, my brother and I surreptitiously made gunpowder.

实证主义者的观点往往是“润物细无声”。The positivist arrives at his point of view surreptitiously.

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它可以是一个预先的一些严重的疾病发展中国家暗中。It can be a forewarning of some serious illness developing surreptitiously.

月光下。一朵小小的茉莉花。在悄悄地。香。Bathed in the moonshine. A dainty jasmine. Surreptitiously issuing fragrance.

当地的希腊人立刻变得困惑,有疑心但心里暗地发出感激。The local Hellenes are at once bemused , suspicious and surreptitiously grateful.

就是在这次事件中,农·阿诺偷偷地让杰德感染上库姆孢子。It was at this event that Nom Anor surreptitiously infected Jade with coomb spores.

媒体制造的声明能悄悄地将很多曲解植入数百万人的脑袋里。Statements made in the media can surreptitiously plant distortions in the minds of millions.

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二者都把他看作是秘密地,站在人民的立场上反抗权贵的人。In either case, they regard him as surreptitiously taking the side of the people against the nobles.

可是如果你是在背后,第三方偷偷的收集用户的信息,这会比较困难。it is more difficult if you are in the background, a third party collecting information surreptitiously.

有些时候他们在半夜里偶然发现爸爸妈妈在偷偷的放置礼物。Other times it comes from surreptitiously catching Mom &Dad putting out the presents in the middle of the night.

中国,已悄悄地膨胀了它的肌肉,已加强了对外语灰走出阴影的新面貌。China, which has been surreptitiously bulking up its muscle, has stepped out of the shadows to fl ash its new look.

首相偷偷碰了碰他的木头桌子,这是福吉接着说了下去,“但我们只是顺便提及布莱克。While the Prime Minister surreptitiously touched the wood of his desk, Fudge continued, "But Blacks by-the-by now."

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我一边穿过过道向老师介绍自己并让他在我的纸条上签名,一边偷偷瞄着他。As I walked down the aisle to introduce myself to the teacher and get my slip signed, I was watching him surreptitiously.

他直截了当地提议自己乔装改扮,打入提尔伯里的村子,偷偷地摸清情况。So he squarely proposed to disguise himself and go to tilbury's village and surreptitiously find out as to the prospects.

我的第一个反应--我并不感到骄傲地承认--是偷偷朝四周扫了一眼,看看是否被人看到了。I'm a Bully." My first instinct, I'm not proud to admit, was to surreptitiously look around to see if anyone was watching.

根据一名护士暗中提供的字条,医里的一名7岁伤患只是某次车祸的受害者。An injured seven-year-old in a hospital was the victim of a car crash, according to a note passed on surreptitiously by a nurse.

赛尔夫将他们送入了电梯,然后他消消地在靠近欧伦办公室的茶色地毯上喷洒了一些黑色液体。Self sneaks them into the elevator. Then he surreptitiously squirts a black liquid onto the tan carpet of an office near Oren's.

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有些商人有手机能收到中国信号,就有人偷偷摸摸的借来打,当然要先交大把的钱。Some of the traders have cellphones that are linked to the Chinese cellular network and can be surreptitiously borrowed for exorbitant fees.

股沟本周归还了电脑,说尽管没有检测到病毒和恶意软件,她的帐户确实已经被暗中入侵了。Google returned it this week, saying that while no viruses or malware had been detected, her account had indeed been entered surreptitiously.

这名记者录下了和朝鲜劳动党官员的电话通话内容,他随身携带的三张记忆卡存满了音频文件。The reporter had been surreptitiously recording conversations with party officials, and was carrying three memory cards filled with audio files.