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这个距离越大,脱落的距离越长。A long runout equates to a long fall.

如果我们的钱用完了,可以在广州卖掉一些产品。If we runout of money, we can sell some of the products in Guangzhou.

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通过调整刀具角度,绿色轮胎径向跳动可以优化。By adjusting the tooling angles, green tire radial runout can be optimized.

他们担心人类不久会用完石油、发生食品短缺!但有些人则持乐观的看法。They are afraid that the world will soon runout of oil and run short of food.

在实际使用中,在镀层的过渡段发生的疲劳裂纹会导致接耳断裂。In service, fatigue cracking initiated at the plating runout led to lug fracture.

不符合设计标准的镀层和过渡段控制。Plating conditions and runout controls that are not in accordance with design standards.

有助于减少鸡皮裂纹的可能性并减少过渡段不细腻的可能性。This can reduce the possibility of chrome chicken-wire cracking and poor runout details.

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在此基础上,对不同斜削长度对结构承载能力的影响进行了参数分析。Moreover, the effects of runout length on the loading capacity of structures are analyzed.

该测量原理完全消除了造纸机卷纸滚筒的径向跳动对测量结果的影响。The influence of the radial runout of paper roller on the measurement result is completely eliminated.

研究了复合材料加筋板筋条斜削区的失效过程并预测了结构的承载能力。The failure mechanisms and the loading capacity of stiffened composite panels with stiffener runout are studied.

结果表明,增加筋条斜削区长度可以延缓脱层的起始。The result indicates that the load for delamination initiation is increased with the increase of the runout length.

在带有一定预载的情况下安装百分表,然后测量制动盘最大外径处的横向跳动。Fit the dial gauge with some preload and measure the lateral runout at the greatest external diameter of the brake disc.

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“在中途又没力又恐怖的时候也不要拉快扣”是可达到的目标,但是“这次就要完攀这条路线”就不尽然了。"Not grabbing the quickdraw in the middle of that scary runout" is achievable, whereas "sending the route this try" is not.

两个联轴器一同旋转360度,以使百分表测不出联轴器端面的跳动值。The couplings are rotated together through 360 degrees so that the indicator does not measure runout of the coupling hub face.

轮胎制造方法包括优化减少了绿色轮胎径向跳动的轮胎均匀性的方法。A tire manufacturing method includes a method for optimizing the uniformity of a tire by reducing the green tire radial runout.

如果她继续按目前的速度提取储备金的话,她将在2012年——她的钻石婚纪念那年——用完储备基金。Ifshe continues drawing on the reserve at the current rate, she will runout of funds by 2012 – the year of her diamond jubilee.

文中模拟生成一畸变正弦信号,并运用该方法对其进行谐波分析,得出其基波与谐波的情况。On the basis, an analysis of the relationships between runout signal distortion, bit error length and foreign substances is given by numerical method.

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它们都是主要用于高速机床主轴和精密设备运行条件下的零间隙,没有跳动。They are predominantly used for high-speed machine tool spindles and for precision equipment operating under zero clearance conditions and without runout.

本文所述内容是从空间解析几何角度来分析主轴径向跳动误差对加工工件形成的误差形状。This paper analyzed the effects of the radial runout error by principal axes on the error shape of formed workpiece based on the serial analytic geometry.

如果有任何测量值超过制动盘厚度变量规格时,则必须安装新的制动盘并且重新检查制动盘的失圆。If any of the measurements exceed the brake disc thickness variation specification, a new brake disc must be installed and the brake disc runout re-checked.