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其后他被送到阿利根尼县入狱。He was then taken to the Allegheny County Jail.

为什么阿勒格尼学院不打算完全取消奖学金?Why doesn't Allegheny College plan to drop merit aid entirely?

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他们送她到附近的美维阿勒格尼学院,宾夕法尼亚州。They sent her to Allegheny College in nearby Meadville, Pennsylvania.

布莱克斯堡美国弗吉尼亚西南部一城镇,位于劳诺克西部的阿勒格尼山。A town of southwest Virginia in the Allegheny Mountains west of Roanoke.

这是阿勒格尼大学并不打算完全取消奖学金的理由之一。That's one reason Allegheny College doesn't plan to drop merit aid entirely.

位于宾夕法尼亚州米德维尔的阿勒格尼学院三年前也做出了类似的决定。Allegheny College in Meadville, Pa., made a similar decision three years ago.

美国宾夕法尼亚中部城市,在匹兹堡东部阿里根尼山脉的东坡上。A city of central Pennsylvania on the eastern slopes of the Allegheny Mountains east of Pittsburgh.

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彼时公司安排他负责拓展在阿勒格尼的铁路项目。The company asked him to lead workers on a project to extend the railroad into the Allegheny Mountains.

宾夕法尼亚州西部的阿利根尼县承诺免费接受失业工人到社区大学充电。In western Pennsylvania, Allegheny County has promised all laid-off workers free tuition at the community college.

波多马可-阿帕拉契高压输电项目由美国电力公司和亚历坚尼能源公司共同投资,这两家企业都对煤炭有着严重的依赖。PATH is a joint venture of American Electric Power Co. Inc. and Allegheny Energy Inc., both of which rely heavily on coal.

而我在宾州阿勒格尼郡验尸官办公室担任法医人类学家,也加强了这方面的经验。My work as a forensic anthropologist for the Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, coroner's office has augmented this experience.

美国宾夕法尼亚州西南部的城市,在此阿尔勒格尼河与莫农格黑拉河的交汇形成了俄亥俄河。A city of southwest Pennsylvania at the point where the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers forms the Ohio River.

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奥利安美国纽约州西部的一个城市,濒临宾夕法尼亚州界附近的阿勤格尼河,该市生产各种产品。人口16,946。A city of western New York on the Allegheny River near the Pennsylvania border. It produces varied manufactures. Population, 16, 946.

鉴于这一点,由于附近的家园中的奢侈品,球员将永远被吸引到这一特殊的阿勒格尼山山谷。Given that, and given the luxuries of the nearby Homestead, golfers will forever be drawn to this special valley in the Allegheny Mountains.

于是在3年前,当阿勒格尼能源公司决定安装洗涤塔以清洁工厂的排放废弃时,环保主义者们都喜出望外。So three years ago, when Allegheny Energy decided to install scrubbers to clean the plant’s air emissions, environmentalists were overjoyed.

美丽的拉斐特城堡提供124配备豪华的设施和阿勒格尼山脉惊人的观点的客房。The beautiful Chateau Lafayette offers 124 well-appointed guest rooms with luxurious amenities and phenomenal views of the Allegheny mountains.

特种金属生产商阿勒格尼技术公司的工厂,每月仅有一半时间开工,余下的时间内员工都被暂时解雇。Allegheny Technologies, a speciality metals producer, is running its plants only half the time and furloughing its staff for the rest of the month.

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例如,到1845年为止,位于宾夕法尼亚州西部的布拉迪的本德铁制品公司已拥有近6,000英亩矿区以及阿勒格尼河沿岸5英里的地段。By 1845, for instance, the Brady's Bend Iron Company in western Pennsylvania owned nearly 6,000 acres of mineral land and 5 miles of riverfront upon the Allegheny.

包括纽约和新泽西的五个洲,都将这个工厂的主人,阿勒格尼能源公司告上法庭,称由该工厂产生的空气污染是造成呼吸道疾病和酸雨的主要原因。Five states — including New York and New Jersey — sued the plant’s owner, Allegheny Energy, claiming the air pollution was causing respiratory diseases and acid rain.

另一个很好的餐厅,秋天,荣誉的地方阿巴拉契亚风格的菜肴新鲜,来自宾夕法尼亚的阿勒格尼山脉地区表成分农场。Another fine dining restaurant, Autumn , honors the local Appalachian style cuisine with fresh, farm-to-table ingredients from the Pennsylvania Allegheny Mountain region.