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他的老板因他习惯性旷工而解雇了他。His boss discharged him for habitual absenteeism.

首先,机器人从不生病,从而旷工将会减少。First, robots never get sick, so absenteeism would be reduced.

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若更进一步我和他们相邀一块上学,旷课的事还有可能发生吗?If I go further and they house a school absenteeism things are possible?

第二十三条请假应于事前交办公室,否则视为旷工处理。Article 3 should be pre-pay leave the office, or as absenteeism treatment.

工作条件的改善已令旷工率降低。Improvements of working conditions helped to reduce levels of absenteeism.

叶辛桐说有人不守规矩,随意旷工。Ye Xintong said that some people don't behave properly, arbitrarily absenteeism.

你的某些员工,经常旷工,因而也需要被开除。Some of your people will also need to bedismissed because of excessive absenteeism.

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故此,也就有了迟到、早退、旷课,在课堂上与周公相见。Therefore, we also had late, leave early, absenteeism , and Duke meet in the classroom.

然而在肥胖儿童中的高缺课率是由于受到他们同学的欺侮和侮辱。The high rate of absenteeism in obese kids is due to bullying and stigma from their classmates.

旷职的比例过高,或者有一些压力、过度疲劳和一般健康的问题出现。The absenteeism rate is excessive or there are problems with stress, burnout and general health.

显然,上学前吃早餐对于减少学生的缺席和迟到作用很大。Clearly, eating breakfast before school plays a role in reducing student absenteeism and tardiness.

更多的人力资源部门在为其员工购买这些产品,来减少由于生病导致的旷工情况。More human resources departments are buying them for employees to reduce absenteeism caused by illness.

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对孟加拉的基础医疗设施进行调查时发现,医生的缺勤率高达74%。A survey of primary health care facilities in Bangladesh found the absenteeism rate among doctors to be 74 percent.

不报告旨在调查大学中四年级信息专业学生中旷课情况的严重程度。This report examines the extent of the problem of absenteeism among fourth-year Information majors at the university.

普华永道会计师事务所调查了2000家公司之后发现,翘班每年给英国企业造成320亿英镑左右的损失。Absenteeism costs British businesses around £32billion a year, according to a study of 2, 000 firms by accountants PwC.

缺课可能由于是对孩子医疗护理不够,对慢性病,如哮喘没有引起足够的重视。School absenteeism can be a marker for poor medical care, or for inadequate management of a chronic illness, like asthma.

缺学和旷工的情况增加,肺炎流感死亡率提高,尤其是老年人。School and employment absenteeism increases, as does mortality from pneumonia and influenza, especially in older persons.

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我也不想说什么再迟到就怎么怎么,因为我以后决不会出现旷课这中害人害己的事了。I do not want to say any more on how how late, because I will never arise after absenteeism harm to others in this matter.

周期性哮喘症状往往导致失眠、日间疲劳、减少活动量,不能上学和工作。Recurrent asthma symptoms frequently cause sleeplessness, daytime fatigue, reduced activity levels and school and work absenteeism.

主要经济代价源自职业父母或监护人缺勤在家照顾孩子。The main economic cost arises from absenteeism of working parents or guardians who have to stay home to take care of their children.