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麦克是好的吗?,是的。Is the microphone on? Yes.

茱莉亚对着麦克风说。Julia said into the microphone.

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麦克风主音量控制。Master microphone volume control.

他把话筒给了茱莉亚。He said as he gave the microphone to Julia.

请现在戴上您的耳机型麦克风。Please put on the ear-piece microphone now.

泰华-交换!我会拿住你的麦克风。Taehwa-A change! I'll hold your microphone.

一个防水麦克风就诞生了。This would make the microphone water-proof.

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一个好的全向麦克风是必须的。A good omnidirectional microphone is a must.

我能不能打开麦克风,好主意Can I turn on my microphone. Very good idea.

他拉开包的拉链取出一个麦克风。He unzipped the pouch and removed a microphone.

他在讲话前先轻叩了一下扩音器。He gave a tap at the microphone before speaking.

显然还需要一个麦克风和一个声卡。Obviously, you need a microphone and a sound card.

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青衣花旦不用话筒。The Qingyi and Huadan will sing without microphone.

它有个不错的扩音器,另外还有个微型话筒。It has a decent speaker, and even a tiny microphone.

高音质声音输出、内置麦克风和喇叭。High quality voice export with microphone and speaker.

扩音器里传来的通知很重要。The anouncement from the microphone is very important.

克罗比和普莱斯利都是麦克风的创新者。Both Crosby and Presley were creations of the microphone.

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指令员的麦克风对源头的声音。Direct the DSAS's microphone towards the source of sound.

斯图尔特不小心把话筒从支架上碰掉了。Stuart accidentally knocked the microphone off its perch.

耳塞和麦克风端不可小于4磅。The earpiece and microphone should not be less than 4lbs.