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这是一个威士忌蒸馏器。This is a whisky still.

威士忌是加冰还是直饮?Whisky with ice or not?

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他因喝了威士忌酒而头昏。He felt woozy from whisky.

他把威士忌酒和水混在一起。He mixed water with whisky.

威士忌使他醉得头晕脑胀。The whisky got into his head.

他爱喝的烈酒是威士忌。His favourite tipple is whisky.

请给我倒一点威士忌提提神好吗?。Please pour me a jolt of whisky.

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我们喝掺有啤酒的威士忌。We drink whisky mixed with beer.

我还品尝了苏格兰威士忌。And I tasted Scotch whisky there.

威士忌和自由在一起!Whisky and freedom gang thegither.

一杯威士忌酒立刻就使她醉了。A glass of whisky soon muddled her.

一杯威士忌很快就会把他醉得迷迷糊糊。A glass of whisky soon muddles him.

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他常常是在威士忌的懵懂醉意中度过的。He often lives in a haze of whisky.

把威士忌酒放在冰盒里冰镇。Put the whisky in the ice box to chill.

喝了几口威士忌后她安静下来了。She settled after drinking some whisky.

威士忌及甜苦艾酒倒入杯里搅匀。Stir whisky and Sweet Vermouth in glass.

请给我两杯掺水威士忌。Two glasses of whisky and water, please.

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我们在一次酒店游戏赢得一瓶威士忌酒。We won a bottle of whisky at a pub quiz.

威士忌酒增进同人情谊。The whisky lubricates a comradely spirit.

我见了酒心巧克力就想吃。I can never resist whisky heart chocolate.