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眼花并可能失去知觉。Giddiness and possible unconsciousness.

眩晕遗址之一的心灵,而攻击。Giddiness ruins up one's mind while attack.

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我老是感到耳鸣和头晕眼花。I've kept getting a roaring in my ears and giddiness.

他警告他们,不要让胜利冲昏头脑。He warned them against suffering giddiness from success.

突然那种恍惚不见了,我盯着地面。Suddenly the giddiness is gone, and I stare at the ground.

我想知道,是被压抑的气恼,还是轻佻。I wanna know if it was repressed black anger or just giddiness.

让一阵旋风吹来,把我连船锚一齐卷走。Let a gust of wild giddiness come and sweep me away from my anchors.

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他的身体非常虚弱,他一阵一阵地晕得什么都看不见。He was very weak and was afflicted with a giddiness which at times blinded him.

民间用来助痘疮、麻疹的诱发,治头痛、头晕。It is used to induce smallpox, measles and cure headache and giddiness in the folks.

甚至在革命之前,朴素的新古典主义风格取代了轻率的洛可可风格。Even before the revolution, sober neoclassical styles were replacing the giddiness of rococo.

突然那种恍惚不见了,我盯着地面。“我总是需要有人来救我。”Suddenly the giddiness is gone, and I stare at the ground. "I always need someone to rescue me."

偶尔在一次约会之后,我会告诉对方我觉得很开心,这完全处于一种意乱情迷的状态。Sometimes after a date, I'll text the girl telling her I had a great time, out of sheer giddiness.

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高水平的神经递质,这有利于促进感情的吸引力,兴奋,眩晕!High levels of this neurotransmitter help promote feelings of attraction , excitement , giddiness !

病痛已经消失大半,可是接踵而来的却是一阵更加难以忍受的可怕的眼花、头晕。The sickness quite departed, but succeeded by a horrid giddiness and swimming that was almost worse to bear.

头晕眼花是风偏重的症象,是风元素被激发的症象。Giddiness or lightheadedness is a sign of too much wind property, a sign that the wind property has been provoked.

我轻率地将消息传播了出去,暗示说电影预定要引入一位衍生宇宙角色。In my giddiness to spread the word, I dropped the hint that an expanded universe character was slated to be in the film.

据美联社报道,当地时间26日,富士康暂停印度一家工厂的运营,原因是约250名工人因该厂喷洒杀虫剂发生头晕和恶心症状。Foxconn temporarily shut down a plant in India Monday after some 250 workers showed symptoms of giddiness and nausea, possibly from a pesticide sprayed at the facility, AP reported.