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是只蝙蝠。Just a bat.

一根棒球棒?A baseball bat?

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奥尔马有一根球棒。Omar has a bat.

超人对决蝙蝠侠?Supes Vs. The Bat?

简有一个乒乓球拍。Jane has a ping-pong bat.

“走开,猫!”蝙蝠说道。"Scat, cat! "said the bat.

一只坏蝙蝠坐在一只肥猫上。A bad bat sat on a fat cat.

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在洞中有一个蝙蝠吗?。Is there a bat in the cave?

好的,你有另外的拍吗?OK!Do you have another bat?

你有一个乒乓球拍吗?Do you have a ping-pong bat?

这个男孩子有一个棒球棒。This boy has a baseball bat.

蝙蝠鹞鱼开始了盛宴。Bat rays awaken to the feast.

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他们有一个乒乓球拍吗?Do they have a ping-pong bat?

来,照我的样子挥动球棒。Now swing your bat like I do.

我看到的是酒吧还是蝙蝠?。Wass it a bar or a bat I saw?

我的乒乓球拍裂了。My table-tennis bat has sprung.

蝙蝠之毛犬之舌。Wool of bat and tongue of dog.

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蝙蝠凭回声测定方向。A bat echolocates the direction.

蝙蝠纳特用力拍小昆虫马特。The bat Nat swat at the gnat Matt.

这个男孩非常喜欢这个乒乓球拍。The boy likes the table tennis bat.