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ENIAC以前是第一台现代电脑。The ENIAC was the first modern computer.

搔痒娃娃就是分人工智能界的ENIAC始祖计算机。Tickle Me Elmo is the ENIAC of fractional AI.

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换句话说,ENIAC是一个巨大的计算器。In other words, ENIAC was a gigantic calculator.

ENIAC是公认的第一台成功的高速计算机。ENIAC was commonly accepted as the first successful highspeed.

ENIAC的研制成功,是计算机发展史上的一座里程碑。The success of ENIAC is the milestone in the history of computer.

1946年,世界上第一台电脑ENIAC在美国宾夕法尼亚大学诞生。In 1946, the first computer ENIAC was born in the University of Pennsylvania.

启动“恩尼阿克”完成一个程序的运行平均要花大约两天时间。On the average, it took about two days to set up ENIAC to carry out a program.

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1946年,ENIAC就诞生在附近街的地下室里。It was in 1946 that the ENIAC was invented, right here in a basement down the street.

尤菲尔首先为接下来的讨论定下了基调,他说,上世纪40年代,第一台计算机埃尼阿克的出现为未来的创新开创了道路。Yoffie first has settled the main key for the following discussion, he said that in the 1940s, the first computer ENIAC appearance founded the path for future innovation.

从第一台计算机冯·诺依曼机诞生至今的半个多世纪以来,计算机科学与技术对现代科技产生了深远影响并已渗透到人类生活的方方面面。Half a century has past since the first computer "ENIAC" had been made. In this period, computer science and technology make an influence far and wide on modern science and technology.

ENIAC计算机含有18,000个真空管,具有每分钟几百次的运算速度,但是最初程序是通过导线传送到处理器内的,必须由人工更改。ENIAC contained 18,000 vacuum tubes and had a speed of several hundred multiplications per minute, but originally its program was wired into the processor and had to be manually altered.

为此,自从第一台电子计算机ENIAC问世以来,大批学者与专家就在为使其能够自我学习而不懈努力。Thus a great number of researchers and experts have studied very hard to make computers learn and improve by themselves since the first electronic computer ENIAC came into the world in 1946.

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之所以会有这样的误会,是因为“ENIAC”的研究小组中的一个叫莫克利的人于1941年剽窃了约翰·阿坦那索夫的研究成果,并在1946年时,申请了专利。The reason why is there such a misunderstanding, because the "ENIAC" in the study group of people called Moakley in 1941 Atanasoffplagiarism of research results, and in 1946, applied for a patent.