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但是像“基督教国家”这样的观念是很难消除的。But ideas like "Christendom" die hard.

圣诞节时整个基督教世界尽情欢乐。All Christendom makes merry at Christmas.

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圣诞节是一个几乎所有信奉基督的宗教中都有的节日。Christmas is a holiday that unifies almost all of professing Christendom.

我恐怕我们当中的相当一部分人仍然处在基督教界的负面影响之中。I am afraid that a number of us are still under the negative influence of Christendom.

哪类的事我不懂,但我知道基督教世界还没有一份杂志不会抢着要它。I know nothing of the sort. I know there's not a magazine in Christendom that wouldn't jump at it.

今天基督教界中一些最霸道的主张都是来自那些末世论专家。Some of the most dogmatic opinions extant in Christendom today are those of end-times specialists.

毫无疑问,圣殿骑士团是整个基督世界中最有实力的骑士团体。The Templars' Station is the home to arguably the most powerful knightly orders within all of Christendom.

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毫无疑问,圣殿骑士团是整个基督世界中最有实力的骑士团体。The Templars' Order House is the home to arguably the most powerful knightly orders within all of Christendom.

其中有些教派在四方早已消亡,比如摩尼教,被基督教认为是邪教。Among them were sectsthat had long withered in the West — such as Manichaeism, considered hereticalby Christendom.

医院骑士训练有素,纪律严明,跻身基督世界中最为精锐的骑兵部队。Well trained and disciplined these dismounted knights are amongst the deadliest heavy infantry in all Christendom.

甚至很多在西方已经销声匿迹的教派都在这里复兴,比如被基督教国家认作异教的摩尼教。Among them were sects that had long withered in the West — such as Manichaeism, considered heretical by Christendom.

中世纪的角塔围墙包围着这城市,这里曾经作为基督国的首都有接近一百年。A turreted medieval wall enclosed the city, which had once served as the capital of Christendom for nearly a hundred years.

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这正是史蒂文平克关于早期基督教时期人类行为丰富而详尽的研究所围绕的主题。This is the thesis of Steven Pinker’s absorbing and detailed survey of human behaviour that goes right back to early Christendom.

不过宗教A存在著祁克果名为“基督国”的庞大幻象,需要以“绝对困思”飞跃至宗教B。But there is an Enormous Illusion named "Christendom" in Religiousness A, it needs to leap to Religiousness B by "the Absolute Paradox".

造纸业要么是通过希腊进入基督教世界,要么是因为基督教在又一次征服西班的过程中夺取了穆斯林的造纸厂。The manufacture entered Christendom either through Greece or by the capture of Moorish paper-mills during the Christian reconquest of Spain.

大多数的基督徒都跟从了罗马天主教,将敬拜上帝的安息日,用星期日取代了。The majority of Christendom has followed the lead of the Catholic Church by substituting Sunday worship for worship on the seventh-day Sabbath.

在圣地重现史诗般的十字军运动,带领十字军国家光复基督的领地或作为伊斯兰守护者驱逐异教徒。Recreate the epic Crusades in the Holy Land, leading the Crusade States to reclaim Christendom or the defenders of Islam to drive out the infidels.

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威敏思特圣徒所承继的、教会改教家的中世纪基督国度的神治国家观念,在这个想法中,扮演了一个角色。The medieval, theocratic notion of Christendom that the divines inherited from the magisterial reformers undoubtedly played a role in this thinking.

最后,基督教会对犹太人如此执着的最重要的原因,是由于犹太教信仰的存在,始终是对基督教信仰的可信性的挑战。Finally, the most significant reason for the church's preoccupation with the Jews stems from the credibility problem that the faith of a Jew presents to Christendom.

马丁。路德在教堂的门上张贴95条反对赎罪券的标语。正是这次革命,开始了冲击了西方基督教的旅程。Martin Luther nails his 95 theses which criticize papal "indulgences" to a church door. The Reformation, splitting western Christendom , is on its way. See Indulgence.