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两年前,执行这样一个项目是一件想都不敢想的事。Such a project would have been unthinkable only two years ago.

这喜悦是无法想象的低价从农民分谢文东。This joy is unthinkable divided cheap wow gold from the peasants.

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那么,债务上限得不到提高,这种事情难以想象吗?错。So is a failure to raise the debt ceiling unthinkable? Not at all.

伯特.兰开斯特打算五月份在七天内发动政变是不可思议的。Burt Lancaster’s intended coup in Seven Days in May is unthinkable.

但在新闻世界中,这种不可想象的事情似乎每天都在发生。But every day, the unthinkable seems to be happening in the news world.

美国贷款买屋后,又会再贷款买另一间房屋.这在日本看来很不可思议.日本仍保有储蓄的文化.That would be unthinkable in Japan. Japan is still a culture of savers.

大家的努力把一件不可能的事变成可能的。Only the effort of the group can make some unthinkable become thinkable.

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这是美国一处工作场所,只准讲英语的规定在这里无法想象。This is one American workplace where an English-only policy is unthinkable.

虽然这不可想象,但我认为我们不应低估这种可能性。As unthinkable as this is, I don’t think we should discount the possibility.

但在一百年以前,性与政治结缘在人们看来是无法想象、匪夷所思的。One hundred years ago the idea of sexual politics would have been unthinkable.

回归到金本位仍旧不太现实,但至少现在敢往这方面想想了。A return to the gold standard remains unlikely, but it’s no longer unthinkable.

但是,那并未削弱基辛格所作人所不敢之设想的效果。But that does not diminish the utility of Kissinger’s thinking the unthinkable.

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许多人认为脱欧是一个“黑天鹅”事件,完全出乎意料也无法想象。Many consider Brexit as a 'Black Swan' event, previously unexpected and unthinkable.

他们的要旨是不允许任何欧洲主权国家违约。Their message is that a default by a sovereign European government is "unthinkable".

十几年前,难以想象一个初出茅庐的小明星会带着一台移动电脑到处跑。A decade ago, a starlet toting around a portable computer would have been unthinkable.

你永远也不会知道它,但是这已经通过了近150年律法是不可思议的。You would never know it, but this 150-year-old Torah has been through the unthinkable.

富营养化能引起生态系统结构和功能不可想象的变化。Eutrophication can cause unthinkable change of configuration and function of ecosystem.

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波耶特认为如果再次输给争冠对手,那将是难以置信的。And Poyet believes another loss against one of their arch rivals , would be unthinkable.

在阿拉伯人对端庄的信仰中,警察和守卫对女性进行搜身是不可想象的。Arab notions of modesty make it unthinkable that the police or guards would search women.

近亲通婚是现代社会的最后禁忌之一,大部分人还是无法接受这种观念。Incest remains one of society's last taboos and is an unthinkable concept to most people.