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永远痊愈不了。Forever could not convalesce.

结果所有病例均痊愈出院。Results All cases of illness convalesce leaves the hospital.

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感染了当地的高烧后,他回到法国治疗。Catching a case of backwater fever, he returned to France to convalesce.

萧仰山为免静芸再受打击,安排静芸出院,接回家中静养。Xiao Yangshan is free, static blow, arrangement, static discharge, home to convalesce.

疗养员入院疗养,来到了一个新的环境,心理比较敏感。Convalescent people are comparatively sensitive when they convalesce in a new surrounding.

结果烟台黄金海岸景观靓丽状观,是我国海滨疗养胜地之一。Result T he scenery of the golden in yantai will be more places of interest in Convalesce.

伤口的愈合需要时间去慢慢治疗,但是爱情的伤口是没法痊愈的。The wound cicatrization demand time treats slowly, but love wound has no way to convalesce.

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全部鼻骨骨折患者可在表麻下行闭合性鼻骨骨折复位术均痊愈。The complete nasal bone fracture patient may convalesce in surface anesthesia with closed replacement.

当他们回到家中休养后,家人就必须负起照顾他们的重任了。When they return home to convalesce , families need to take up the responsibility of looking after them.

走的时候王涛还在养病,所以他并不知道梦凡为他所做出的牺牲。Time of walk Wang2 Tao still convalesce , so he really don't know dream any is him the sacrifice which is.

火气很大,估计要打几针东风才可以痊愈。The anger is very big, estimated must hit several needles east winds only then to be possible to convalesce.

火山景观和矿泉资源使五大连池市成为著名的旅游疗养胜地。The volcanic scenery and mineral spring turn Udalianchi City into the famous resort good for tour and convalesce.

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爱,的确是一场战争,一场没有赢家的战争!一场必定受伤的战争!一场伤者永远不会痊愈的战争!The love, indeed is a war, does not have winner's war! Is injured surely war! A wounded will never convalesce war!

伯腾追逐小云坐的货车进了寺庙,不测发现了倒地的艾卡林,便把他送回家疗养。Chasing xiao yun sit van soar into the temples, accident found fall on the ground of ai colin, gave him sent home convalesce.

结论正确的康复护理及出院指导有助于患者功能康复及生活质量的提高。Conclusion Correct rehabilitated nursing and discharging guide contribute to patients convalesce and improvement of live quality.

他在电话中还问我,如果他负了伤,是该在得克萨斯州还是在宾夕法尼亚州的家中养伤。He was calling to ask me where he should convalesce in the event of his being injured, there in Texas or at home in Pennsylvania.

正确的康复护理及出院指导有助于患者功能康复及生活质量的提高。Conclusion Correct rehabilitated nursing and discharging guide contribute to patients' convalesce and improvement of live quality.

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庄子的静养观是后来的道教养生说的源头,对后代的道家养生学派有着很大影响。Zhuangzi's convalesce concept is the source said later Taoist health, the health of the Taoist school has a great impact on future generations.

推进中医药健康服务发展,开展中医药健康旅游、医养结合。Endeavor has been made to promote the development of TCM health services and carry out TCM health tourism and TCM integrated treatment and convalesce.

目的探讨认知行为心理干预对慢性精神分裂症康复的影响。Objective To explore the effects of cognitive-behavioral psychological intervention on self-esteem social function and convalesce in chronic schizophrenia.