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早期对咖啡因的接触会导致一个人更易吸毒么?Does early exposure to caffeine predispose a person toward drug abuse?

事实正是这种创伤让人容易出现精神问题。And the trauma may, in fact, predispose people to having mental illness.

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刺激本身很可能使一些孩子易产生注意力问题。The nature of the stimulus may predispose some children to attention problems.

耳膜穿孔使耳部易于感染或导致听力丧失。Perforated eardrums can predispose the ear to infection or result in hearing loss.

性荷尔蒙已被证实会影响细胞性免疫反应。Sex hormones can influence cell-mediated immunity and predispose to such infection.

研究人员发现这一过程可能使肥胖患者易患2型糖尿病。Researchers found that this process could predispose obese patients to type 2 diabetes.

他们千方百计雇用那些性格上天生适合服务顾客的人。They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.

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抽烟会引起痴呆,这在过去没有人提出过。Smoking could predispose people to dementia, not protect them as has been suggested in the past.

本研究旨在调查内皮bmpr2删除是否预先遭受PAH。The present study was designed to investigate whether endothelial Bmpr2 deletion can predispose to PAH.

企业在对付可致使一个地区容易引发潜在灾难的因素时可以发挥宝贵的作用。Business can play an invaluable role in addressing factors that predispose a community to a potential catastrophe.

可能基因会让一些人天生乐观,同时这些基因又会影响健康和寿命。It is possible that genes predispose some people to optimism, and that the same genes affect health and longevity.

睡眠不足会损害学习,情绪控制和判断,而且使人容易生病。Insufficient sleep impairs learning, impulse control, and judgment. It appears to even predispose people to disease.

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年龄大于60岁和患有肿瘤能够增加患者出现凝血紊乱风险。Age greater than 60 and a diagnosis of cancer independently predispose patients to an increased risk of coagulopathy.

这一变体基因似乎会导致人体倾向于沉积内脏脂肪而非良性的皮下脂肪。This genetic variant seems to predispose people to depositing visceral fat as opposed to the more benign subcutaneous fat.

没人知道哪些基因容易使人患上精神分裂症或双极性情感疾病,两种疾病都有大约百分之一的患病率。No one knows what genes predispose people to schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, which each afflict about one in 100 people.

这个背景可能让新的欧洲央行行长倾向于美联储已经采取的某种货币政策。That background might predispose the new ECB president to the sort of monetary-policy activism that the Fed has gone in for.

之前的髋部手术史,既往有过髋部骨折及翻修手术均可出现脱位风险增加。Previous hip surgery, surgery for hip fractures and revision hip surgery all predispose a patient to the risk of dislocation.

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高尔夫练习场上的垫子是用橡胶制成的,非常非常硬,容易使你受伤。The mats that you see at driving ranges that are made of rubber are very, very firm, and they predispose you to having injuries.

而且使用特布他林可能导致婴儿有自闭症的倾向,还使婴儿大脑更容易受毒素的侵害。The study showed that the use of terbutaline may predispose babies to autism and that it may make the brain more vulnerable to toxins.

通过大量此类医学研究,科学家发现许多使人易患心脏病遗传因素。Scientists have discovered a host of genetic factors that predispose people to heart attacks, in the largest medical study of its kind.