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点解我哋要工作?。Why we work?

他在工作处。He's at work.

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我能行吗?Would I work?

向钱看。Work for money.

我可是在七喜公司工作呀!I work for 7up"!

所以,做你的工作。So do your work.

来为我工作吧!Come work for me!

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你工作卖力么?Do you work hard?

我整夜工作。I work all night.

我是计时算工资的。I work for wages.

那个不起作用。That didn't work.

我们所干的一切就是工作。All we do is work.

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他的劳动很伟大。His work is great.

我还有工作要做。I have work to do.

我在曼德斯公司工作。I work at Manders.

我用钳子工作。I work with plier.

在飞机上工作。Work on the plane.

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这一切能行吗?Would it all work?

你做嘚冭多了。You work too much.

IOCP是怎样工作的?How does IOCP work?