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这是牛仔服装行业的一个精品领域。This is a rarefied segment of the denim business.

她在稀薄的高山空气中头昏眼花。She was lightheaded from the rarefied mountain air.

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他们一同生活在国际名人的上层圈子里。They live in the same rarefied world of global fame.

我作为院长来到这里,这种情况很少见,”他表示。I came in as dean, which is a rarefied atmosphere,” he says.

稀薄气体的流动是一个复杂的稀薄气体动力学问题。The flow characteristic of rarefied gas is very complicated in its dynamics problem.

结果表明,提纯的青橄榄黄酮具有一定的抗氧化活性。The result showed, rarefied flavonoid from Chinese olive sure have antioxygenic activity.

讨论了非平衡现象与稀薄气体动力学的关系。The relationship between the non-equilibrium phenomena and rarefied gas dynamics is discussed.

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它高屋建瓴,呼吸着天空稀薄的气氛,吸引着地上仰慕的眼光。It is high, breathing the rarefied air of the sky, attracting the eyes of admiration on the ground.

毕竟,一过了空气稀薄的北加州,地球引力原则就又开始生效了。After all, go beyond the rarefied air of northern California and the rules of gravity are no longer suspended.

关于全球气候变化的争论涉及到复杂的物理模型和高端自然科学知识。The debate over climate science has involved very complex physical models and rarefied areas of scientific knowledge.

小心了,玛丽•波宾斯阿姨!全球的金融飓风已开始殃及英国的保姆市场!the hurricane howling through the world's financial markets is starting to be felt in the rarefied world of the British nanny.

做工优良,面料考究,版式新颖大方,充满了生活气息,透露出高雅的绅士格调。Facture is fine, material is rarefied , style is new and decent, it is full of life breath and shows exquisite gentleman's style.

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库曼诺夫的这些工作并没有使自己名声大震,他只是在一些迷恋交通研究的小圈子里享有极高声誉。Komanoff’s work may not have made him a celebrity, but his rigor gained him a reputation within the rarefied world of traffic geeks.

大多数的迹象显示,这对搭档已经成功地把这个由顶尖大学菁英所组成的团体,改造成例行下午茶会的夥伴。By most measures, the pair have succeeded in re-creating the rarefied world of a top university department, right down to the tea ritual.

怎么能既能在新世界市场上分一杯羹,又能继续保持作为其身为畅通道路上稀有车辆的地位,是摆在雷瑟夫和宝马面前的一道难题.Reithofer's challenge is to secure a place for BMW in this new world without sacrificing its status as a rarefied drive for the open road.

考虑到热开关充入的气体在连续介质区和自由分子状态的传热以及肋片沿轴向的导热对热开关的传热特性进行了详细的理论分析。A detailed theoretical analysis taking into account the gas conduction in continuum or rarefied state and the axial conduction in the fins is presented.

但即便在上海那些条件良好的高中,教师们和校方也对学生将全副精力投入考试的现象而十分担心。And even in the rarefied world of the Shanghai high schools, teachers and administrators are concerned about the single-minded obsession with examinations.

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觉醒的梦想,是一个非常明确的,往往混淆和稀薄的不二论吠檀多哲学平易近人的概述,也非二元论闻名。Awakening to the dream is a very clear, approachable overview of the often confusing and rarefied philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, also known as non-dualism.

没有某种深邃的思想一成不变地为之输入力量,所有这些在荒谬的稀薄空气中维持的生命都无法继续。All those lives maintained in the rarefied air of the absurd could not persevere without some profound and constant thought to infuse its strength into them.

采用风洞试验和工程计算相结合的方法,对球双锥类外形的稀薄过渡流区气动特性进行了研究。Experiment and engineering approach have been applied to research aerodynamic characteristics of rarefied transitional flow around sphere-bicone configuration.