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他为大麻合法化而斗争。He's campaigning for the decriminalization of cannabis.

国内外关于非犯罪化的概念有不同的表述。The concept of decriminalization is defined differently at home and overseas.

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刑法的统一性也要求将赌博非犯罪化。The unity of the Penal Code would also requires decriminalization of gambling.

他对待致幻毒品的立场说明了他的观点。His stance on the decriminalization of narcotics best illustrated what made him tick.

简言之,除罪化就是将原来作为犯罪的行为不再作为犯罪处理。To be brief, decriminalization means no longer treats criminality as a crime as before.

如果说阿根廷是最新加入毒品合法化阵营的新成员,那乌拉圭就可以称为该阵营的元老了。If Argentina is the newest member of the decriminalization club, Uruguay may be the oldest.

安乐死合法化实际上就是法律对人的死亡权的认可。Decriminalization of euthanasia is actually equal to acknowledgement of people's right for death by law.

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文章重点在于分析非犯罪化的根据以及非犯罪化在我国的实现路径这两个方面。The thesis focuses on analyzing the bases of decriminalization and its realization approach in our country.

事实上的非犯罪化又可分为追诉上的非犯罪化和审判上的非犯罪化。Decriminalization of the fact can be divided into decriminalization in recourse and decriminalization in judgment.

年,我提供了关于葡萄牙毒品成功合法化的一项报告。In 2009, I produced a study on the overwhelming success of drug decriminalization in Portugal, published by the CATO Institute.

随着两极化刑事政策的提出,犯罪化与非犯罪化已成为世界性潮流。With the proposition of dual-polarization criminal policy, the problem of criminalization and decriminalization has become a global trend.

非犯罪化以刑法谦抑精神为导向,以人权保障为追求目标。Decriminalization is based on the spirit of criminal law's compressing and restraint, and it aims at pursuing the guarantee of human rights.

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1997年新刑法把流氓罪分解为几个罪名,这被认为是“中国同性恋的非罪化”。The criminal Code of 1997 divided "crime of hooliganism" into several crimes, and this is regarded as "decriminalization of homosexual" in China.

自1997年同性恋合法化,中国政府已经在解除与同性恋群体相关的耻辱一些很长的路要走。Since the decriminalization of gay sex in 1997, the Chinese government has come a long way in lifting some of the stigma associated with the gay community.

中国的安乐死合法化既面临许多与其它国家相同的问题,又面临着我国特定文化传统和社会现实所决定的问题。The decriminalization for euthanasia in China is facing not only the same puzzle as other countries, but also its own problem of cultural tradition and social reality.

福克斯的前任塞迪略,联同来自巴西和哥伦比亚前总统到生产去年的一份报告大麻合法化的要求。Fox's predecessor, Ernesto Zedillo, teamed up with former Presidents from Brazil and Colombia to produce a report last year calling for the decriminalization of marijuana.

而非犯罪化、刑事和解与假释的完善是外在指征,人权、公正和效率是入宪性的刑法精神应有之义。Decriminalization and victim-offender mediation and parole perfect is important correction, human right and justice and efficiency is the spirit of the criminal law with the constitution.

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1972年大麻和药物使用全国委员会曾一致推荐使其合法化。The 1972 National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Use had unanimously recommended decriminalization. It was "The Great Stoned Age," in the words of author and drug aficionado Martin Torgoff.

“严”就是要将值得刑罚处罚的行为犯罪化,而“厉”就是那些可以由附属刑法归制的行为非犯罪化。"Strict" punishment is to deserve the penalty of criminal acts, and "severe" is the subsidiary of criminal law that can be able to return the system of laws and regulations decriminalization.

恐怖组织洗钱犯罪的成功,意味着使恐怖组织通过走私、贩毒等非法渠道获得的“黑钱”合法化。The success of terrorist organizations crime of laundering means the decriminalization of terrorist organizations black money that is got through illegal channels such as smuggling and drug trade.