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低电流待机模式。Low-Current Standby Mode.

待机时间就更不重要了。Standby time is even less relevant.

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直到重启之前,都会保持在5-6毫安。It stays 5-6 ma on standby until next reboot.

江面上,一挂挂白帆扬起,待命起航。The river, a hanging Bai Fan raised, standby.

随后备用数据将流动到主系统中。Then the standby data will flow to the primary.

您的订位已经在候补名单了里。Your reservation is already in the standby list.

轮机长,请在当地时间1200时前备车。Chief Engineer, please standby engine by 1200 LT.

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轮机长,请在格林尼治时间1300时前备车。Chief Engineer, please standby engine by 1300 GMT.

轮机长,请在协调世界时1600时前备车。Chief Engineer, please standby engine by 1600 UTC.

这个电源供应器空载时最大功耗最大1.5W。This S. M. P. S standby power consumption 1.5W Max.

待机下只有挂机键可唤醒设备。Wake up from standby possible only vian influence key.

杰克-罗宾逊,汤姆-因斯和科纳-科迪在替补之列。Jack Robinson, Tom Ince and Conor Coady are on standby.

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待机下唯有挂机键可唤醒设备。Wake up from standby possible only vian electricing key.

振动提示,游戏,待机时间长,步话机!Vibrating Alert, Games, Long Standby Time, Walkie-talkie!

“停止射击,”库尔特命令。“凯丽,莲花地雷准备。”"Hold your fire, " Kurt ordered. "Kelly, LOTUS to standby"

我们把军事戒备从紧急状态降至待命状态。We downgraded the military alert from emergency to standby.

安全部队已处于待命状态,以防出现暴力事件。Security forces have been put on standby incase of violence.

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安全部队已处于待命状态,以防出现暴力事件。Security forces have been put on standby in case of violence.

维蕾拉拿到一张待机票并赶在飞机起飞前登了机。Varela got a standby ticket and boarded just before take-off.

这是一个伟大的窄小使用或回家备用发电机使用。This is a great generator for jobsite use or home standby use.