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他需要打打气,需要鼓励。He needs a pep talk.

我给她来了段精神讲语。I gave her a pep talk.

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给他打打气儿。To give him a pep talk!

这些小伙子真有股子愣劲儿。These boys are really full of pep.

加盐、胡椒粉和一点儿醋。Add salt, pep per and a dash of vinegar.

他还为学校的赛前动员会深深吸引。He was fascinated by school pep rallies.

志愿者们劲头十足地工作。The volunteers worked with a lot of pep.

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在早晨空气新鲜的地方散步你会感到精神饱满。A walk in the morning fresh air will pep you up.

也许卡通人物可以给你的锻炼添点活力。Perhaps cartoon characters can add pep to your workout.

不同种类的辣椒的辣味也不同。The different sorts of chilli pep pers vary in pungency.

民主党昨天在国会山召开了竞选誓师大会。The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday.

教练在中场休息时给了我们一些十分必要的鼓励。The coach gave us a much-needed pep talk during the half.

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在卧室增加一些装饰品,或者情趣类的小玩意。Pep up things in the bedroom, by spicing things up a little.

第三部分是针对人教版的问题的策略探讨。The last part is strategies to improve the quality of the PEP.

给自己打打气,告诉自己你是很棒的。Give yourself a pep talk, and tell yourself that you are awesome.

听了老师的那番鼓励的话语之后,他又充满了信心。He was filled with confidence again after the teacher's pep talk.

在你“登台”之前,先给你自己打打气。The Pep Talk . Before you go "on stage" give your self a pep talk.

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有时候我感觉不舒服,来上班时我想也许在这儿我能好起来。At times, when I feel sick, I come to work feelin' I'll pep up here.

它也可接收来自策略执行点的策略服务请求,并进行策略决策。It can also receive the requests from PEP and make policy decisions.

直销公司常常为销售人员举行工作动员会。Direct-sales firms like to hold big pep rallies for their salespeople.