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土著对澳大利亚土著人的贬义称呼…Used as a disparaging term for an australian aborigine.

别同我说这话——不然我会对你的判断说出不恭的话来。Don't tell me so -- lest I should say something disparaging to your judgment.

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英国佬用作对英国人的一种蔑称,尤指新近移民的英国人。Used as a disparaging term for a British person, especially a recent immigrant.

女子气的男子,同性恋男子用来指女子气男子的贬义词,尤指同性恋者或同性恋男子。Used as a disparaging term for an effeminate man, especially a gay or homosexual man.

当我真喝趴下的时候,他哈哈大笑,一种轻视的笑,还惊讶地大声说我这算是哪门子美国人。He laughed when I did a disparaging laugh wondering aloud at what kind of American I was.

去年,对于希拉克贬损芬兰和英国菜肴一事,希拉克方面同样给予了否认。Last year it also denied that Chirac had made the disparaging remark about Finnish and British cuisine.

你不带偏见的态度让你清除不必要的、轻率的想法和情绪。Your dispassionate focus allows your mind to be clear of unnecessary, disparaging thoughts and emotions.

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而且,曾有些客户遇到麻烦,或对Voice.com提出投诉,此人却恶语相向。This particular employee also made disparaging remarks about customers who had problems or complaints.

最关键的是,我们不能仅仅因为一些40岁以上的人没能掌握数码科技,就贬低数码科技的威力。And above all, we must stop disparaging digital prowess just because some of us over 40 don't happen to possess it.

这个决定是在天空体育开除评论员格雷之后做出的。格雷在周末的时候曾对马西有过诋毁的言论。The decision came as Sky Sports fired pundit Andy Gray over disparaging comments he made about Massey at the weekend.

例如南非某些资深政客鼓吹未经证实的疗法,并同时贬低抗逆转录病毒治疗。For example, senior politicians in South Africa have promoted unproven therapies while at times disparaging antiretroviral drugs.

例如,在一份调查中,受调查者被安排听别人毁谤自己的录音。In one study, for instance, subjects were asked to listen to recordings of people supposedly saying disparaging things about them.

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巴西国防部长对其他高级官员发表轻蔑言辞,总统迪尔玛·罗赛夫因此将其撤职。President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil has replaced her defence minister after he made disparaging remarks about other senior officials.

尽管茅台酒厂将这座古镇的大片地方变成瓦砾,却几乎听不到对这家公司诋毁之词。Even as the Moutai distillery turns large swaths of the ancient town to rubble, it is rare to hear a disparaging word about the company.

但希拉克总统办公室对此表示否认。去年,对于希拉克贬损芬兰和英国菜肴一事,希拉克方面同样给予了否认。The president's office denied this. Last year it also denied that Chirac had made the disparaging remark about Finnish and British cuisine.

但当看到网上评论,可能是由数百或上千的眼球,企业关注的诋毁言论的影响。But when online comments might be seen by hundreds or thousands of eyeballs, companies are concerned about the effect of disparaging remarks.

今年的全国卷作文题展示了一幅漫画,餐桌上,有三只猫在吃鱼,同时它们正嘲笑第四只正在捉老鼠的猫。This year's national question showed a cartoon of three cats sitting at a table eating fish while disparaging a fourth cat trying to catch a rat.

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斯通的言论在网络上引发了愤怒的浪潮。至少有一个中文网站被用来专门驳斥她的言论。Stone's comments also created a swell of anger on the Internet, including at least one Chinese website devoted solely to disparaging her comments.

斯通言论同时在网络上也激起了很多的气愤,几乎所有的中文网站都在抵制她的言论。Stone's comments also created a swell of anger on the internet, including at least one Chinese website devoted solely to disparaging her comments.

法国总统尼古拉·萨尔科齐在法国电视节目上批评戈登·布朗应对经济危机不力,引发了新一轮外交争端。The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, has sparked a diplomatic row after disparaging Gordon Brown's response to the economic crisis on French TV.