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阴蒂头也许仍能感觉到,但不那么容易了。The glans can still be felt, but not as easily.

阴蒂头就是阴蒂系统的“王冠之珠”。The glans are the "crown jewel" of the clitoral system!

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阴蒂头从包皮下探出它膨胀了的头。The glans pokes its enlarged head from beneath the hood.

在阴蒂包皮下外表可见到的正是阴蒂头。Externally visible under this foreskin is the glans of the clitoris.

一些不那么极端的女阴切割,只有阴蒂头被去除。In the less extreme version of female genital mutilation, only the glans is removed.

这种液体可以让包皮在光滑与健康的阴蒂头上滑动。This fluid allows the foreskin to move back and forth over the smooth and healthy glans.

因为阴蒂头布满了无数的感觉神经末梢,它对触摸非常的敏感。The glans is extremely sensitive to the touch as it is studded with innumerable nerve endings.

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随着高涨的性兴奋,阴蒂头从其包皮里向外越来越突出。With mounting sexual excitement, the glans of the clitoris protrudes more and more from under its hood.

最好的情况下,即仅仅阴蒂头被切除,女性的性感觉可能受到减弱,但她们仍然能够拥有高潮。In the best-case scenario, where just the glans is excised, women may suffer decreased sexual sensation but they are still able to have orgasms.

末梢从轴心的顶端开始,一直到和脚踝悬韧带相连的表层下。The glans begins at the tip of the shaft and continues under the surface to where the other end connects to the suspensory ligament at the pubic mound.