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表演是种模仿性艺术。Theatrical arts or performances.

那出戏由一个戏班子演出。The play was staged by a theatrical company.

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剧团正在全国各地巡回演出。The theatrical troupe is touring the country.

此人便是戏剧制作人奥古斯丁·戴利。He was Augustin Daly, the theatrical producer.

和业余戏剧团一起演出可能是有趣的。Acting with an amateur theatrical group can be fun.

这位年轻的女演员是那年戏剧界涌现出来的新秀。The young actress was the theatrical find of the year.

秋天被戏剧界看做黄金季节。In theatrical circles, autumn is spoken of as the season.

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用夸张的、戏剧的方式表达情绪。Expresses emotion in exaggerated and theatrical ways. 074.

这是一座戏剧院和单独配有风琴管的音乐厅。A theatrical and concert complex with a separate organ hall.

蓝侬时常利用他的名气,以夸张的方式来表达他的论点。Lennon often used his fame to make a point in theatrical ways.

后台管理者更像是一位戏剧导演。The offstage manager operates more like a theatrical director.

演员在戏剧学院学习怎样清晰地发音。Actors learn how to enunciate clearly in the theatrical college.

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顶尖级戏剧演员代理人正纷纷把目光投向那个十多岁的孩子。Top theatrical agents are beating a path to the teenager's door.

而今晚,随着更多的精彩表演,大幕徐徐垂下。And tonight, with more theatrical touches, the curtain came down.

在中国,街头表演荒谬剧非常罕见。Moments of theatrical absurdity are rare on the streets of China.

他的摄影作品极具戏剧性和艺术性,似乎是从伦勃朗那里借来的一种姿势。The photographs are theatrical artful posed like rentaRembrandts.

他的作品运用新的戏剧方法和呈现思想方式。His plays used new theatrical methods and ways of presenting ideas.

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它很戏剧化。所以,我们有穿着戏服的模特,so it's quite theatrical. So we have models dressing up in costumes

最后,预祝今晚的文艺演出取得圆满成功。谢谢!Finally, wish a complete success of theatrical performances. Thanks!

他用一个戏剧表演般的手势示意大家围在他身边。With a theatrical gesture, he motioned the team to gather round him.