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他听到这一消息两腿摇拔起来。He gave a stagger on hearing the news.

这么重的担子,大象担着也得摇晃。Such a heavy load would stagger an elephant.

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胶带的介面应与版材的介面错开。To stagger the interfaces of tape and plate.

他们打算错开我们的排演时间。They planned to stagger our rehearsing hours.

那位年轻女郎稍稍犹豫了一下,然后就走上前去。The young lady stagger a moment, and then step forward.

是否可以考虑南北方错开休假?Can consider whether to stagger off the North and the South?

在无光的黑暗中摸索,踉跄犹如醉汉。Without light, they grope in the dark and stagger like drunkards.

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青年人应该服役推磨,幼童倒在柴捆之下。Young men toil at the millstones, boys stagger under heavy loads.

这也是为什么我买卖股票的时间会交错进行,并延续数周或数月的时间。That's why I stagger both my stock purchases and sales over weeks or months.

保持双脚平行,如图中所示,或错开一只脚在另一只的前面。Keep your feet parallel, as shown here, or stagger one foot ahead of the other.

他们摇摇幌幌。东倒西歪,好像醉酒的人。他们的智慧无法可施。They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit's end.

这是冬天,外面在刮寒风,“芦柴棒”遭了这意外的一泼,反射地跳起来。It was winter and an icy wind was blowing. The shock made her stagger to her feet.

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他们见异象时摇摇晃晃,行审判时摇摆不定。They stagger from liquor, They reel in their visions, They totter in their judgments.

他们无光,在黑暗中摸索,又使他们东倒西歪,像醉酒的人一样。They grope in the dark without light, and he maketh them to stagger like a drunken man.

老鼠会逃进杂草丛里,因吃了太多的甜食而步履不稳,并感激我们的怜悯。It will stagger off into the weeds, grateful for our mercy and groggy on too much sugar.

兵团的互殴、喘气、蹒跚变的完美了。Soldiers block exchange blows, stagger back get finished off etc. etc. it looks amazing.

当松花江吹来初冬的寒风,一个崭新的季节蹒跚地向我们走来。Early winter when the cold wind blowing in the Songhua River, a new season of stagger to us.

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产品堆放时须纵横叠放,叠高层数不得超过6层。Stagger pile of the products stagger. The height of each pile should be no more than 6 levels.

凝重的华贵与浪漫的时尚带给人时空交错的眩惑。Of dignified showily bring a person spatiotemporal stagger with romantic vogue bewildered be puzzled.

目前,我国电气化铁路运行的电力机车所使用的电源,是接触网提供的25KV单相交流电。At present, the power source of electric railway locomotive is the 25KV AC which provide by the stagger.