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这就是我们的社会。This is our society.

还是踏入社会?。Or step into the society?

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我们的社会是个世俗社会。Ours is a secular society.

社会就是这样在成熟。This is how society grows.

我们生活在一个忙碌的社会。We live in a busy society.

现代社会是抵制爱的。Modern society is anti-love.

那是个毫无生气的社会。That's an etiolated society.

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我们令社会更丰盛。We make our society affluent.

我们处于一个抗老化的社会里。We're an anti-ageing society.

我们是社会的渣滓。We're the pariahs of society.

这个社会是在奔往何处?Where the society is heading?

农业耕作支持着我们的社会。Farming underpins our society.

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他那样做是为了回报社会。He did that to pay back society.

他不接触社会。He is out of touch with society.

这个小组叫做伯克利户外远足俱乐部。It's Cal Hiking Outdoor Society.

仅仅是为了吥被社会所抛弃。Only to be discarded to society.

他们是上流社会的顶尖人物。They are the leaders of society.

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他们只是想吓唬社会。They only want to scare society.

我们家确确实实是名门贵族。We were really society nobility.

这就是社会现状吗?Is this the state of our society?