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我们都是大风扇戴夫拉姆齐的粉丝。We are BIG Dave Ramsey Fans.

阿尔夫-拉姆齐1966年世界杯之前说过这番话被证明是对的。Alf Ramsey said it before 1966 and was proved right.

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媒体杜撰了快闪党这个词,“拉姆齐补充说。”"The media coined the term flash mobs, " Ramsey added.

我相信拉姆塞从损害中恢复过来很困难。I believe it's difficult to come back to the Ramsey tackle.

胡佛曾把前任司法部长拉姆齐·克拉克叫做软骨头。Hoover had called former Attorney General Ramsey Clark a jelly-fish.

杀害琼贝尼的嫌疑人今天可能被转移到科罗拉多州。The man suspected of killing JonBenet Ramsey could be transferred to Colorado today.

他在阿尔法·兰西爵士之前完美的定义了进攻型后卫的角色,而兰西爵士只是让他闻名于世。He almost invented the attacking full back role before Sir Alf Ramsey popularised it.

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当然,纳斯里、本特纳和拉姆齐依然受伤,但是其他每个人都可以出场。Of course Nasri, Bendtner and Ramsey are still injured but everyone else is available.

“琼贝妮特·拉姆齐”谋杀案嫌疑犯日前被拘禁于博尔德县监狱。The JonBenet Ramsey slaying suspect is currently being held at the Boulder County jail.

拉姆塞在上周回到预备队,本来打算让他在那儿恢复状态。Ramsey returned in the Reserves last week and was expected to continue his progress there.

本文给出了拉姆赛数及其推广,并给出了若干应用。In this paper, a number of Ramsey with its generalizations and some applications are given.

卡洛尔和布莱克将加建的房子称为“大房间,”这个概念至今在拉姆齐山社区还是个新鲜叫法。Carol and Blake referred to it as a “great-room, ” a concept hitherto foreign to Ramsey Hill.

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在今年夏天才加盟阿森纳的拉姆塞,与法布雷加斯、德尼尔森同为中前卫。This summer before joining the Ramsey Arsenal, with Fabregas, Denilson in the same avantgarde.

阿隆·拉姆塞身着红白战袍重整旗鼓回到阿森纳让每一个关心兵工厂的人感到由衷的高兴。Aaron Ramsey back in an Arsenal shirt was a welcome sight for everyone associated with the Club.

我对罗西基能在其他位置上有影响力表示怀疑,除了法布雷加斯和拉姆塞的位置。I am doubtful that Rosicky will be influential anywhere else but where Fabregas and Ramsey play.

今早拉姆塞已经在医院了,我们不希望别人再有相同的遭遇。Look, Ramsey is lying in hospital this morning and we don't want to put people in that position.

这名24岁的球员替补登场为球队取得2-0的比分,其中一球是由不幸的拉姆塞打进的乌龙球。The 24-year-old came off the bench to make it 2-0 following an unfortunate Aaron Ramsey own goal.

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卡迪夫城小将拉姆西决定加盟阿森纳,拒绝了曼联和埃弗顿提供的合同。Cardiff City starlet Aaron Ramsey has decided to join Arsenal, snubbing offers from United and Everton.

在一个独家访谈中,相关记者K也表示他试图联络R的家人。In an exclusive interview with The Associated Press, Karr also said he tried to contact the Ramsey family.

阿森纳新签约17岁的阿龙·拉姆齐希望能在阿森纳的主力阵容中有一席之地。Arsenal’s 17 year old new signing Aaron Ramsey has admitted he is eyeing a place in the Arsenal first team.