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毕利执行任务总是一丝不苟的。Billy is punctilious in the performance of his duties.

巴季金是一个非常精确和一丝不苟的人。However, Badigin is very precise and punctilious person.

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巴季金是一个非常精确和一丝不苟的人。However, Badigin is very precise and punctilious person. Just seven kills.

这个特点不断地以坐立不安的形式突破他那拘谨的举止而流露出来。This quality was continually breaking through his punctilious manner in the shape of restlessness.

波兰斯基仍然是一个在逃犯,瑞士也以法制有度,拘泥不苟而著称。Polanski is still a fugitive from justice and the Swiss are famously a correct and punctilious nation.

我们必须拘泥形式在我国规划的这件事,对任何错误可看作是个人的侮辱。We must be punctilious in our planning of this affair, for any error may be regarded as a personal affront.

例如,打破了1994年的电影串行妈妈的惩罚,帕蒂赫斯特的性格是一个一丝不苟的精神变态谋杀。As punishment for breaking it in the 1994 movie Serial Mom, for instance, Patty Hearst's character was murdered by a punctilious psychopath.

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正确的情报,及其精密的安排,快速的部署,精确的执行,此次猎守计划没有任何的美国人伤亡。Correct intelligence, punctilious organization, rapid deployment, precise execution, the target eliminated without any American being injured.

在通过有红绿灯控制的人行横道时,即使没看见行人他们也会等。Punctilious in their observation of traffic signs, they will wait at traffic-light-controlled pedestrian crossings even if there are no pedestrians in sight.

上学那会儿,他就是我们班里有名的名士派,如今他更加潇洒独特不拘小节了。When we were in school he was a famous unconventional, and self-indulgent old-style intellective. Now he is more unrestrained, distinctive, and not punctilious.

一名忠于职守的警官,发觉尸体摆在大人院内不像话,有碍观瞻,命令龙骑兵把它拖到街上去。A punctilious police official, feeling the presence of the body unseemly in the courtyard of his excellency, bade the dragoons drag the body away into the street.

勤奋属于珍惜时间、爱惜光阴的人,属于脚踏实地、一丝不苟的人,属于坚持不懈、持之以恒的人,属于勇于探索、勇于创新的人。Diligence belongs to these people, who cherish and treasure time, are a man with his feet on the ground and punctilious , remorseless and persistent, and who have courage to explore and innovate.