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留声机唱片。A phonograph album.

把唱机开小一些。Turn down the phonograph.

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我们把音乐灌进唱片。We recorded music on a phonograph.

留声机的发明应归功于爱迪生。Edison is credited with the invention of the phonograph.

留声机是托马斯·爱迪生发明的。the phonograph is an invention attributed to thomas edison.

爱迪生的留声机是今日CD唱盘的老祖宗。Edison's phonograph is the distant ancestor of today's CD player.

无线线、电话及收音机的发明都归功于这一法则。Wireless telegraphy , the phonograph and the radio are based on this law.

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汤玛斯爱迪生创造了许许多多的发明物,但留声机却是他的最爱。Thomas Edison created many inventions, but his favorite was the phonograph.

1877年的今天,发明家托马斯.A。爱迪生宣布发明了留声机。In 1877, inventor Thomas A. Edison announced the invention of his phonograph.

这个店还销售美国,欧洲的法律副本黑色橡胶电唱机纪录!This shop also sells US, Europe's legal copy black rubber phonograph record !

他作出了六千项发明,包括电灯泡,留声机和油印机。With his team of workers, he invented an electric light bulb, the phonograph.

迪生,他带领自己的工作队发明了电灯泡、留声机和电影摄影机。With his team of workers, he invented an electric light bulb, the phonograph and movie cameras.

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1888年,高洛德去了英国,着手开拓留声机市场。In 1888, Gouraud sailed for Britain, where he set about establishing a market for the Phonograph.

这个宽阔的光环事实上居然是由数千个独立的小环所组成的,类似于唱片上的凹槽。The broad rings are actually thousands of individual ringlets like grooves on a phonograph record.

坐在里面的音乐室的存储区域,是一细长喇叭老留声机“准备”的纪录。Inside the music room storage area, an old phonograph with a long thin horn sits "ready" to record.

十里洋场,繁华旧梦,那种长着金色牵牛花喇叭的老式留声机,成为了旧上海一个时代的象征。The phonograph that has a golden morning-glory flower shaped amplifier has become an emblem of old Shanghai.

竹子细到可以用作留声机唱针,坚固到可以用于桥梁建筑。Bamboo is slim enough to be made into phonograph needles yet strong enough to be used in bridge construction.

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结果这种留声机和贝尔的格拉福风留声机之间爆发了激烈的竞争。The upshot was an outburst of intense competition between the Phonograph and Bell's machine, the Graphophone.

民国时期是百代唱片公司发展的黄金时期,同时也是中国新音乐蓬勃发展的时期。At the same time, Pathe company was the bigest, and had influnced phonograph records company in MinGuo period.

这些活动电影放映机商场进行了留声机,在会客室证明爱迪生成功提前数年。These Kinetoscope arcades were modeled on phonograph parlors, which had proven successful for Edison several years earlier.