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保李嘉欣店的创始人的名字。Paula Reis is the name of the founder of the store.

李嘉欣的婚礼过亿,够贵了吧。Michelle Reis wedding billions of dollars, enough of your bar.

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监制徐克,李嘉欣和关之琳也并肩对抗邪恶。Michelle Reis and Rosamund Kwan are also on hand to fight evil.

史蒂夫李嘉欣说,“拥有”的人买东西,以保持他们的孩子忙。"People were buying anything to keep their kids busy, " owner Steve Reis said.

赖斯博士说,参加这项研究的人一般在五项健康生活方式要素中占了两项。Dr. Reis said the average study participant had two out of five healthy lifestyle factors.

看来李嘉欣这个大美人对这场富豪联姻还没有做好充分准备。It seems that Michelle Reis great beauty of this rich marriage has not yet fully prepared.

葡萄牙建筑师安娜斯雷斯已经完成了家庭内部的维拉诺瓦盖亚日,葡萄牙。Portuguese architect Ana Reis has completed a family house in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.

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那么,李嘉欣的这场世纪婚礼又有多么让的期待呢?In that case, Michelle Reis of the wedding ofthe century and how to let the expectations of it?

还有的夜生活和许多餐馆和酒吧比比皆是,特别是沿鲁阿坎迪杜斯雷斯。There is plenty of nightlife and restaurants and bars abound, especially along the Rua Cândido dos Reis.

何塞热拉尔雷斯普福是巴西艺术家谁使用旧手表,共创美好摩托车雕塑。Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau is a Brazilian artist who uses old watches to create beautiful motorcycle sculptures.

回到技术方面,雷斯打破了当谈到多晶硅常见的质量疑虑。Back to the technical track, Reis broke down the list of usual quality consideration suspects when it comes to polysilicon.

德国REIS集团,作为全球机器人系统集成的领导者之一,业务范围遍及欧洲、美洲和亚太。REIS Robotics group, headquartered in Obernburg Germany, is a leading technology company for robotics and system integration.

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其实李嘉欣是一个十分喜爱孩子的女星,在她抱着姐姐家的孩子时,很兴奋,也对自己充满了希望。In fact, Michelle Reis is a very favorite child actress, in her sister's children holding, it is exciting and full of hope for themselves.

受访者眼中”幸福女人”的代表分别为徐子淇和李嘉欣,反映出现代男女对跻身豪门的向往。Two women who married into money – Cathy Chui and Michele Reis – were considered blessed by the respondents, showing a longing to marry a fortune.

李嘉欣自爆在男友面前原来是大女人,非常有主见,但也会跟男友讲道理,绝非“野蛮女友”。"Michelle Reis SELF-boyfriend in the face of a woman was big, very strong-minded, but also to reason with her boyfriend, is by no means" Sassy Girl.

90年代,它同航天遥感技术密切结合,共同发展,迎接国民经济和社会发展中重大资源环境急务和全球变化的挑战。In 90's, closely combined with space remote sensing technology, REIS will be used to solve the significant resources and environment problems and global changes.

随着秋冬两季租房需求走软,这一比例可能会继续攀升,或将达到1980年Reis开始记录数据以来的最高水平。The rate is expected to climb further in the fall and winter, when rental demand is weaker, pushing vacancies to the highest levels since Reis began its count in 1980.

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在宣布REI的决定时,Presley高度赞扬了当地的政府官员和宾夕法尼亚的经济发展组,正是因为他们的努力和热情,REI才落脚到此地。At a gathering today to announce REIs decision, Presley praised the governor and Pennsylvanias economic development team for their efforts in attracting and welcoming REI to area.

李嘉欣笑言收身广告穿少布一点也可以,但要求母子档上阵则不会接受了,她不想孩子太早曝光。Michelle Reis joked advertising revenue body can wear a little less fabric, but require parent file will not be accepted into battle, she did not want the child exposed too early.

随着秋冬两季租房需求走软,这一比例可能会继续攀升,或将达到1980年Reis开始记录数据以来的最高水平。S. markets. The rate is expected to climb further in the fall and winter, when rental demand is weaker, pushing vacancies to the highest levels since Reis began its count in 1980.