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它甚至还随身携带氧气瓶。It even has an onboard oxygen canister.

LRO有一个测量表面高度的车载激光器。LRO has a laser onboard that measures surface elevation.

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战斗机上也有宇航技工机器人负责机载维修。The fighter also carried an astromech droid for onboard repairs.

在山姆·贝拉米的一艘海盗船上担任一名医生Began as a ship's doctor onboard one of Sam Bellamy's pirate ship.

这架飞机有乘客37人,准备从托木斯克飞往苏尔古特。The plane, which flew from Tomsk to Surgut, had 37 people onboard.

罗伯兹邀请这支船的船长到甲板上来。Roberts invited the captain of this ship onboard and he came over to meet him.

这种高集成度是完成了机载RISC处理器。This high level of integration is accomplished with the onboard RISC processor.

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设备维护报告也应该保存在船上以供PSCO检查。Equipment service reports should also be maintained onboard for PSCO inspection.

综合付款船上和在网络上接口发票系统的功能。Integrated function for payment onboard and invoice system on the web-interface.

在那天早晨,4列通勤车车厢中共发生了10起爆炸性事件。During the morning attacks, 10 explosionstook place onboard four commuter trains.

在德米特里厄斯号上,山姆为什么让卡拉注意她的一个纹身?Onboard the Demetrius, why does Sam call Kara's attention to one of her tattoos ?

这车通过板载电池给电动马达驱动。The car moves through the electric motors receiving power from onboard batteries.

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飞机上提供的便利设施包括卧铺、机上厨房。Amenities of the early DC-3 models included sleeping berths and an onboard kitchen.

中午返回船上午餐,准备前往圣托里尼。Return to the ship mid-morning and enjoy lunch onboard before sailing to Santorini.

伊朗Simorgh及其机载系统的确切身份是长期不确定的。The exact status of the Iranian Simorgh and its onboard systems was long uncertain.

月球坑观测和传感卫星携带的光谱仪对尘埃进行了分析。The plumes of dust were collected and examined by the spectrometers onboard Lcross.

在平均每天起飞的2万八千架航班中,只有280架航班上有武装官员。Of 28,000 departures on an average day, as few as 280 have an armed officer onboard.

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如何把氢气装在汽车里,一个办法是把氢气装在一个罐子里面。Putting hydrogen onboard an automobile, it's one thing to have hydrogen in the tank.

船上其它的科学家也会从他们此次的考察中有所收益,构思他们自己的“阿尔文潜水”计划。Their observations will help other scientists onboard design their Alvin dives, too.

车载导航和移动应用程序可以告诉司机如何避免交通堵塞。Onboard navigation and mobile applications can tell drivers how to avoid traffic jams.