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我喺韩国来。I'm from Korea.

李在韩国时代中说道。Lee told The Korea Times.

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这是从韩国进口的。It is imported from Korea.

朝鲜又闹起来了。North Korea is at it again.

但韩国队是一支劲旅.But Korea are a good team...

日本在1910年吞并了韩国。Japan annexed Korea in 1910.

我是金永哲,是韩国人。This is Mark Kim from Korea.

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我喜欢的大韩民国。I like the Republic of Korea.

朝鲜接邻于我国的东部。Korea is on the east of China.

朝鲜是在找死。N. korea is inviting its doom.

这里有韩国学生吗?好的。Anyone from Korea here? Alright.

朝鲜于1910年沦为日本的殖民地。Korea colonized by Japan in 1910

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韩国位于中国东面。Korea lies to the east of China.

南韩3比零战胜北朝鲜。South Korea beat the DPRK 3-nil.

它已经落后于韩国。It has fallen behind South Korea.

日本在朝鲜之东。Japans lies to the east of Korea.

朝鲜接邻于我国的东部。To Korea is on the east of China.

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他是朝鲜的奠基人。He was the founder of North Korea.

朝鲜将会捧回大力神杯。North Korea will win the World Cup.

这个武力展示是给朝鲜看的。That's a show of force to N. Korea.