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然而,这种假设应该修改一下。However, this supposition should be modified.

呃,其实这不过是一种望风捉影的悬想。Well, it really is but a shadowy supposition.

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我校对,我的假设是完全正确的。And I proofed that my supposition is totally right.

整个计划只是建立在他的主观臆断上。The whole plan is based on merely his own supposition.

他通过分析和推测去寻求理解。He seeks understanding through analysis and supposition.

Gell能提供什么证据来支持他的这个荒诞的假设呢?What evidence does Gell offer up to bolster his outré supposition?

自由、无罪推定和权利保障是保释制度的基本理念。Freedom, non-crime supposition and right grantee are the basic ideas.

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“当然,这种推测将受到考验,”标普在报告中写道。"This supposition will, of course, be tested, " S&P wrote in its note.

不要丢了祖宗的脸,不要丢了我们汉唐先烈的脸。Don't lost his father's face, don't lost our supposition martyrs' face.

我到底干了些什么,你竟会作这样的推测,而把我比做一个连狗都不如的小人?。What have I done that you should even me to dogs by such a supposition?

这就是二十世纪的看法,当时人们无法谈论种族。That's the supposition of the twentieth century when folks don't talk about race.

但更深的错误是他们居然假设这样一种生活是可能存在的。But the deeper error is the supposition that such an existence might even be possible.

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奥卡姆的指代理论代表了中世纪指代理论研究的最高水平。Ockham's supposition theory was the most advances among medieval theories of supposition.

在这种假设中,它们因为游戏的名字和它的一些细节而得到支持。In this supposition they are strengthened by the names of the game and some of its pieces.

公共性的本质真实是一种价值真实,这种涵义一直被某种假定性所遮蔽。The nature of publicity is a real of value that has long been covered by certain supposition.

这种“真”与“假”的结合,构成了电视纪录片的审美基础。This "true" combines with "supposition" constitute the aesthetic base of televised documentary.

约翰·德北菲尔德的虚荣心比他的精力和健康强得多,所以这个假设很使他高兴。John Durbeyfield had more conceit than energy or health, and this supposition was pleasant to him.

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通常假设干扰为加性高斯白噪声,但有些情况下这种假设并不合理。The interference is often supposed to be AWGN, while in some cases it is not reasonable supposition.

每过一段时间,Balcombe博士似乎就会有点把动物过于拟人化。Every once in a while, Dr. Balcombe seems to drift a little too close to anthropomorphic supposition.

这种猜想着实吸引人,但是如果这样的事情真的发生过,那外星人造访地球的证据又在哪呢?This supposition is fascinating but, if such a thing happens, where are the evidences of these visits?