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他纵火烧了自己的房子。Of or involving arson.

有一点点来教江口味的加香子弹酒。Spicy shooter involving a touch of sambal.

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包含热电或由热电引起。Involving or resulting from thermoelectricity.

这是四个成功女人的情感故事。This is a love story involving of successful women.

这在累及蝶鞍的其他肿瘤中是看不到的。This is not seen in other masses involving the sella.

提出了一种基于单端口SRAM的FIFO电路。Presents a circuit of FIFO involving single port SRAM.

订下严格的规定,包括注意安全和完成家庭作业等。set up some strict rules involving safety and school work

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但是更多的人一想到化学,就会提及到反应。But most people think of chemistry as involving reactions.

非默认加密类型的设置Hypothetical setup involving a non-default encryption type.

还有一个问题是与高速公路立交桥相关的。There is also a related issue involving highway overpasses.

也有些患者的性偶像中包括受切断手术的人。Some sufferers also have sexual fetishes involving amputees.

一桩涉及两名同性恋律师的欺诈案审判被撤销了。A fraud trial involving two homosexual lawyers was abandoned.

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涉及规则集和决策表模板的业务规则Business rules involving ruleset and decision table templates

他不应该随随便便地对待生死攸关的决定。He shouldn't palter with a decision involving life and death.

他尽力使自己不介入这场没完没了的争论。He tried to be not involving himself in this endless argument.

圣-桑的作品数量超过170部,几乎涉及所有音乐领域。His works is over 170, nearly involving all the musical areas.

结果共纳入4个随机对照试验,包括941例患者。ResultsA total of 4 RCTs involving 941 patients were included.

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他说他的第一次历经了一段长期的求爱。He described his first encounter as involving a long courtship.

这最新的,在一系列的法律争议中涉及到苹果公司。It is the latest in a series of legal wrangles involving Apple.

关于此事的报道和另一个涉及口袋妖怪的类似病例。Report on the case as well as a similar case involving Pokemon.