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他提着一个衣箱。He carted a suitcase.

这是你的手提箱呢?Is this your suitcase?

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耙标签粘铁在你的手提箱上。Stick a on your suitcase.

这手提箱锁不住。This suitcase won't lock.

别忘了你的旅行包。Don't forget your suitcase.

那是一个很笨重的行李箱。It was a heavy suitcase too.

一个大型参圣奈特提箱,深蓝色的。It's a large Samsonite suitcase.

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你能提起这个沉重的衣箱吗?Can you lift this heavy suitcase?

他拎着箱子走了进去。He went in carrying his suitcase.

我提不起这个重箱子。I can't lift this heavy suitcase.

这个箱子我帮你提好吗?May I carry the suitcase for you?

放在我汽车后备箱的行李里。It's in my suitcase. In the trunk.

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请帮他提一下手提箱好吗?Can you help him with the suitcase?

我还没有收到白色的皮箱。I didn't receive my white suitcase.

如果我是你,我就带小提箱。If I were you, I’d take a suitcase.

这箱子轻得出人意外。The suitcase is surprisingly light.

让我来帮您提这个箱子。Let me help you carry this suitcase.

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你在哪里取你的手提箱呢?Where can you pick up your suitcase?

我已经放它在我的小提箱里了。I have already put it in my suitcase.

衣箱一路颠跳着滚下楼梯。The suitcase bounced down the stairs.