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父亲约耳是位眼科医师。Her father, Joel, is an ophthalmologist.

我匆忙的跑回办公室近乎发狂的给我的眼科医生打电话。I ran into my office and frantically called my ophthalmologist.

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欧莱雅儿童系列是如此的温和,无泪配方,经眼科医生验证!L'Oreal Kids is so gentle, it's tear free. Ophthalmologist tested.

我应该看验光师还是眼科医师,作眼镜查抄时?I'm confused. Should I go to an optometrist or ophthalmologist for my eye exam?

儿童与马凡氏综合征应该有一个年度的眼睛检查,由一名眼科医生。Children with Marfan syndrome should have a yearly eye examination by an ophthalmologist.

但是这种疾病经常可在视网膜上发出警告,眼科专家可以检查出来。But the disease often causes telltale changes in the retina that can be picked up by an ophthalmologist.

Neff博士目前是卡尔斯登南卡罗来纳医科大学的一名眼科住院医师。Dr. Neff currently is a resident ophthalmologist at the Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston.

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“如果你已年过40却仍未看过眼科医生,那么你就应该立即进行一次全面的基础检查,”伊瓦施说。“If you haven’t seen an ophthalmologist by age 40, that’s a great time to get a baseline exam, ” Iwach said.

右眼近视就意味着他终身都需要戴眼镜,终身都需要有眼科专家的密切监察。And his near sightedness would mean glasses and close monitoring by an ophthalmologist for the rest of his life.

在之后的三年里,我只有部分视力,但是我的眼科医生告诉我说,我最终会失明。For three years afterward, I had partial sight, but my ophthalmologist told me that eventually I would go blind.

对于那些上述治疗方法失败或病变影响角膜的病人来说,应建议其至眼科医生处就诊。Patients in whom appropriate therapy fails or corneal involvement develops should be referred to an ophthalmologist.

是否计划在夏天生个小孩?除了需要一位产科医生外,你可能还需要一位眼科医生。Planning for a summer delivery for your child? You might want to choose an ophthalmologist along with an obstetrician.

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治疗包括同时使用口服和局部抗病毒疗法,具体措施应由眼科医生会诊后决定。Treatment includes both oral and topical antiviral therapy and should be determined in consultation with an ophthalmologist.

但是他坐在了手术的眼科医生迈尔斯堡斯科特盖勒,后来允许盖勒经营他的眼睛。But he sat in on a surgery performed by Fort Myers ophthalmologist Scott Geller and later allowed Geller to operate on his eye.

在没有适当的资格下从事眼科视光师及眼科医生之专业是违法的,详情请于香港法例第359章及其附属法例查询。According to LAW of Hong Kong 359, any parties practicing duty of optometrist and ophthalmologist without relative lisence is illegal.

每个人40岁时都应该有他或她的眼科医生或验光师检查眼压过,并且此后定期检查。Everyone should have his or her intraocular pressure checked by an ophthalmologist or optometrist at age 40, and regularly thereafter.

甲状腺疾病患者应该看眼科医生或者让他们的眼科医生知道自己的甲状腺问题,麦格温建议。People with thyroid problems should see an ophthalmologist or make their ophthalmologist aware of their thyroid condition, McGwin advised.

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当眼睛有损伤时,要向眼科医生或者别的医生求助医疗治疗越早越好——即使损伤看起来很小。When an eye injury occurs, seek medical help from an ophthalmologist or another doctor as soon as possible — even if the injury seems minor.

我们与介入放射技师、眼癌专科医师、小儿肿瘤医师共同合作。Our work comes from a collaboration among an interventional radiologist, an ophthalmologist specialist in cancer, and a pediatric oncologist.

许多人并不知道他们得了糖尿病。但是这种疾病经常可在视网膜上发出警告,眼科专家可以检查出来。Lots of people have diabetes and don't know it. But the disease often causes telltale changes in the retina that can be picked up by an ophthalmologist.