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我是个真正的歌剧迷。I'm a real opera aficionado.

并不想冒犯现代艺术爱好者,但是我确实欣赏不了现代艺术。No offense to anyone who's in modern art, aficionado. Not my thing.

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如果你的确是星战的爱好者,你也可以一整套4个都预定。You may also order them in a set of four if you are a real aficionado.

如果你给这出有任何空间迷之行,他或她将永远爱你。If you give this trip to any space aficionado out there, he or she will love you forever.

作为一个安全迷,我对他回应尼尔森所写的东西很感兴趣。As a security aficionado , I was interested in his reply to something Nielsen had written.

侦探小说迷们知道,获取以及分析指纹是一件枯燥乏味的事情。AS ANY aficionado of whodunnits will know, lifting and analysing fingerprints is a tedious task.

作为一名卓越的战略家,索龙元帅把战斗比作艺术,而且对这两者都很痴迷。A consummate strategist, Grand Admiral Thrawn likened combat to art, and was an aficionado of both.

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同时他也是乔丹球鞋的搜集家,收藏了很多的篮球鞋喔!He is also a Nike Air Jordan aficionado and has a large personal collection of the basketball shoes.

主要是这仅仅是高频和超高频爱好者谁,必须十分关注这些物业的价值。Mostly it is only the VHF and UHF aficionado who has to be greatly concerned about these properties.

每个家具迷和艺术品收藏家都会迷上这件美丽而极具设计感的家具的。Every furniture aficionado and art-collector would be eying this beautiful piece of designer furniture.

“我的丈夫是一位木匠,他失业了”,时尚爱好者及前脱口秀主持人布拉加女士表示。"My husband, a carpenter, was laid off, " says Ms. Braga, a fashion aficionado and former talk-show host.

众所周知昆汀是一个超级亚洲电影迷,尤其醉心港式动作电影。Mr Tarantino is a well-known Asian movie fan, and he is publicly an aficionado of Hong Kong style action movie.

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据报道,这位年幼的哈迷在消防员用水淋湿他的脑袋以便使锥形路标更容易滑脱时,表现得非常冷静。The young aficionado was reportedly quite calm as the firemen doused his head with water to lubricate the cone off.

马修•贝克是一名航运迷兼纽约市导游,他说冠达油轮和纽约有着历史意义上的关系。Matthew Baker, a shipping aficionado and New York tour guide, says Cunard and the city have a historic relationship.

平方尺的大型跳舞场,可供热爱跳舞的朋友,随时随地练舞之用。The main dance studio, with 1,500 square feet of space, is available for all dance aficionado at any time of the day.

汽车发烧友能够自己修理汽车的年代已成往事,这根源于高度集成的软件系统。The days when a car aficionado could repair his or her own car are long past, due primarily to the high software content.

“如果你是一位作家,询问别的是否需要简历帮助,和TA们能作什么回报,”你是一位瑜珈迷吗?“If you’re a writer, ask if anyone needs résumé help, and what they can offer in return, ” she says. Are you a yoga aficionado?

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藉由他的土拨鼠朋友的帮忙,一个国际名望的高山滑雪板热爱者梦藉由达成最好下坡奔跑整时间。Withthehelp of his groundhog friend, an alpine aficionado dreams of international fame by achievingthegreatest downhill runofall time.

和真正的崩溃迷,新的变化和经典的收藏,在我们的快速播放模式,提供无穷的,背对背的挑战!And for the true Collapse aficionado , new variations and classic favorites in our Quick Play mode deliver endless, back-to-back challenges!

当作细菌培养时,生物学家通常将细胞和营养物质混合在一个大的广口瓶里,然后打旋,就像最近葡萄收获期的那些葡萄酒发烧友一样。When growing bacterial cultures, biologists often mix cells in with nutrients in one big jar, then swirl, much like an aficionado over the latest vintage.