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大型鲸须鲸是最受关注的物种。Large baleen whales are of special concern.

布赖德鲸通过排出水流就可以捕食猎物。Baleen traps prey when the whale expels water.

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当然那些充当食物的鱼虾就卡在鲸须上了。And of course, the food is caught in the baleen.

我们可以分为两类,须鲸和齿鲸。We can be divided into two categories, baleen and toothed whales.

鲸豚听觉的演化到了后期,齿鲸与须鲸就分道扬镳了。Later in the evolution of whale hearing, the toothed and baleen whales parted ways.

像其他鲸类动物一样,艾华兽用鲸须中的筛板滤食食物。Like other cetaceans , aiwhas filter food through the sieve-plates in their baleen.

这种小贝类是须鲸、鲑鱼、鲱鱼和各种海鸟的食物。The little shellfish is eaten by baleen whales, salmon, herring and various seabirds.

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其它的须鲸有蓝鲸、鳍鲸、灰鲸、驼背鲸、鳕鲸和鲸。Other baleen whales are the blue, fin, gray, humpback, and sei whales and the rorqual.

事实上,在这个区域至少监测到了六种须鲸的声波。In fact, at least six species of baleen whales have been detected singing in the region.

当一台推土机拖着这头全长28英尺的鲸穿过岩石沙滩时,鲸血渐渐穿过鲸须而渗漏出来。Blood seeped through its baleen as a bulldozer dragged all 28 feet of it across the rocky beach.

大的须鲸主要使用低频,在它们所有的技能中它们使用的很少。Large baleen whales primarily use the lower frequencies and are often limited in their repertoire.

现代的须鲸,如蓝鲸,可以从,从大量的水中过滤小海洋生物。Modern baleen whales, such as blue whales, can filter small marine creatures from huge volumes of water.

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但是,Theriault说,和喙鲸相比,须鲸发出的叫声频率更低,更容易听到它发出的声音。But it is easier to hear the baleen whale, with its lower-frequency call, than the beaked whales, says Theriault.

另一方面,鲸须类出现拥有相同的脑结构但是不知道他们是否有用。Baleen species, on the other hand, appear to have some related brain structures but it is not known whether these are functional.

而须鲸虽然有与嗅觉相关的脑部结构,可是我们却无法判断这些结构是否起作用。Baleen species, on the other hand, appear to have some related brain structures but it is not known whether these are functional.

现在,一项新的调查显示,所有的这些毁坏都可以归咎于人类在1946年到1979年期间过度捕捞抹香鲸和须鲸。Now a new study suggests that all this destruction can be traced back to humans overfishing sperm and baleen whales between 1946 and 1979.

座头鲸不像齿鲸亚目鲸或齿鲸,它们是须鲸亚目、无害的大海兽,嘴里只有须鲸板。Unlike orca, which are odontocetes or toothed whales, humpbacks are mysticetes, harmless leviathans with only baleen plates in their mouths.

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如果我们想更进一步弄清楚导致须鲸体型巨大的缘由的话,我们还需那些尚未被发掘或还原出得化石来佐证。If we want to understand the factors that led to gigantism in baleen whales, we'll need to look at fossils yet to be discovered or described.

这种不会飞的海鸟不再喜欢吃鱼,而是转向了有皮毛的海豹和须鲸类喜食的磷虾和虾类的甲壳动物。The seabirds abandoned fish in favor of krill, shrimp-like crustaceans that are a major component in the diets of fur seals and baleen whales.

人们曾在灰鲸、座头鲸和真露脊鲸等须鲸物种的分娩区域进行研究,发现它们在这些地方几乎不怎么进食。Gray, humpback, and right whales—the baleen species that have been studied at their calving grounds—seem to feed little, if at all, at those grounds.